want to know the size of the hard disk occupied by Ethernet block chain nodes after synchronization. I don t know if the 150G I saw before is correct. At present, the size of synchronization is 131g and can only be synchronized 1G a day. At this speed,...
the following conditions occur in the log during the Synchronize process of Ethernet Square INFO [11-24|12:29:51.925] Imported new block receipts count=239 elapsed=2.543s number=5234756 hash=4e45f1933999 age=8mo2w3d size=19.65mB INFO ...
< H2 > the ETH node gets stuck on Synchronize. The log is as follows. Has anyone encountered a similar situation? < H2 > INFO [11-12|15:04:38.756] Persisted trie from memory database nodes=0 size=0.00B time=711.418s gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B...
web3.eth.isSyncing(function(error, sync){ console.log(4564564564) if(!error) { if(sync === true) { web3.reset(true); } else if(sync) { console.log(sync.currentBlock); } else { } } }); console.log(eth.syncin...
in ethernet, write the contract yourself. The front end uses vue+truffle.js, and then deploys it to the virtual node created by the local Ganache, and uses one of the account wallets as the source of deducting gas. However, when testing the contract, yo...
problem: OOM appears when building a private chain and starting to dig a mine. Memory keeps growing until the geth process is killed < H2 > build the private chain of Ethernet Square < H2 > Dockerfile ----------------------------------- FROM ubuntu ...
my contract: https: kovan.etherscan.io ad. I try to use web3 to adjust the interface in the contract, for example: https: remix.ethereum.org -sharpo. I have tried other nodes with infura and failed. I use chrome with MetaMask extension, web3@ ...
I have installed, compiled, run the geth client and created an account. This account balance shows the number of ETH question: can ERC20 tokens based on Ethernet Square be sent to this account? ...
Today, I saw a very interesting APP. After sharing it to Wechat, you can open it in Wechat browser and click the "Open " button. Then you can jump to APP. if APP is not installed, this link will jump to the corresponding APP download page. In this wa...
due to business needs, multiple pages need to be used. Recently, routing redirection in multiple pages has encountered a problem: 1. There are two template files, index.html and exchange.html, corresponding to two entries. Vue.config.js is configured a...
1. When Baidu sees someone building MVC5, choose .net4.5 directly, but isn t .net4.5 released with MVC4? Shouldn t you choose 4.5.1? 2. Did you choose .net4.6.1 in Microsoft s official tutorials because of the backward compatibility of .net 4.6.1? Do...
can the project written by react be directly packaged into app without using react-native ...
I know that we can write the AJAX request in the corresponding trigger event function for the click event, but where should the request be written when the page jumps. ...