you want to send the corresponding news id to the background by clicking the news list on page a. After getting the corresponding id, the background will display the news details on page b. requirements: page a gets the detailed data and passes it to ...
I am a win7 system and successfully installed redis,. Now I have configured in the configuration file. save 900 1 save 300 10 save 60 10000 rdb persistence is supposed to be enabled, but after set and get operations, the file has not been up...
this is the code for HTML: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN" "http: TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http: 1999 xhtml"> <head> <...
I have a Layout component that looks like this: render(){ return( <a > <b > {this.props.children} ) } then in App.js , router.js is a branch route: import UserRouter from user router.js <Layou...
these exceptions are reported every time you install weex-toolkit. Why windowsnodejs 8.11.1 npm 5.6.0 ...
doesn t have to be a button, it s a square div . ...