there is now a two-dimensional array in the following format: Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 38 [goods_id] => 77426 [model_name] => [model_sub_name] => Array ( ...
think-queue; is used in TP5, but when enabled, the Redis extension is not installed! but my extension does have I don t know why? Solve it! there s nothing wrong with the environment variable! ...
add public $uid=Cookie::get ( uid ) to the validation class and you will get an error. Why? Can t cookie be used this way? <?php namespace app index validate; use think Validate; use think facade Cookie; class User extends Validate { ...
if you add public $uid=Cookie::get ( uid ) to the validation class like this, you will report an error. Why do you report an error? Can t you use cookie like this? <?php namespace app index validate; use think Validate; use think facade C...
ThinkPhp query the following content Game game_zone; the structure of the table is zone_name-- Theater name gid-- Game ID want to query a returned json in the following format: "1": [ {"name": "", "id"...
try all kinds of methods on the Internet all night without solving it, using Wampserver3.1.3,PHP7.0.29,Apache2.4.33. php_xdebug 2.6.0 is a checked state in Wamp s php extension. I didn t find Xdebug, in phpinfo at first and then started searching. At...
none of these three methods will work. Why? I follow the development manual . Db::name( user )->where( email ,$email) ->setField([ password =>$pw, time =>time()]); Db::name( user )->where( email ,$email) ->update([ passwo...
Session::set ( username ,$username) set in this way in the controller; also introduces use think facade Session and use think facade Cookie ; but why is this wrong? configsession.php ...
ask Daniel how to debug a thinkphp project with phpstom+xdebug,. At present, I cannot enter the breakpoint of the controrller layer. It is only valid at the breakpoint hit by the entry file. Ask the old apes for guidance. ...
in order to facilitate automatic backup of the database, a bat is written to run regularly with the task scheduler bat ask the bosses how to do this ...
for example, if some class libraries are introduced into the parent class file Base.php, and then the child class file Son.php inherits the parent class file and uses these class libraries in the subclasses, you don t have to introduce these classes, r...
as shown in the figure Email.php and Index.php are both namespaces namespace app index controller in the same directory. I wonder if I want to introduce this class file by using Email.php in Index.php. Why is it wrong for me to introduce u...
The directory structure is what it looks like in the picture. Email.php and Index.php are in the same directory and the namespace is namespace app index controller ; IndexEmailnew Indexuse app index Controller Email; ...
.htaccess file is as follows Options All-Indexes DirectoryIndex index.html index.php < IfModule mod_rewrite.c > RewriteEngine on RewriteBase RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}!-f RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}!-d RewriteCond $1! ^ (visit | im |...
my route turns out to be like Route::get ( he , admin index index2 )-> middleware ( Login ); can be accessed normally then cannot access routing packet middleware what s going on after being grouped according to this method? Route::gro...
which page needs to use the common part to directly use the include to introduce the public part is over, but the manual talks about three layout methods, which is not very troublesome? why not directly use include? which method do you use in actual deve...
G( begin ); $model = M( test_data ); $list = M( test_ids )->getField( id ,true); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $data = []; $data[ params ] = $this->params; $temp_arr = $this->post($this->ur...
$this- > request- > isPost () uses $.post (target, query) .success (function (data) { in receiving empty data to report the following error Deprecated: Automatically populating $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is deprecated and will be removed in a future version....
I wrote a query in thinkphp, but I couldn t find it out, and then I printed it out . shows that it is successful. I don t know what s going on. I ask for help from all the great gods . ...
for example, there is a getuid () method in the User model. For example, do I have to instantiate the User model first when I want to use the method in the controller? $user=new User () and then call this $user- > getuid () method? ...