as shown in the picture, how can I set it up to render correctly? ...
I want to use THREE.Frustum to use intersectsBox to get the components in the field of view the result is perspective, and the following components (such as the components behind the wall are also obtained) is there any way to avoid obtaining such comp...
recently learned three.js , made a demo, page runs normally , but the browser s console will have warning and three.js itself introduced to print logs, how to turn off three.js log printing without affecting other log output? ...
Click to get one of the children Mesh objects under a Group, but the position of the object is {0Power0ZO} the coordinates obtained through the getWorldPosition of the child object are the coordinates of the parent Group how do I get the position of ...
Why can t you see the auxiliary line in a sky box? are there any influencing factors? var axisHelper = new THREE.AxisHelper; this.scene.add (axisHelper); ...
I have obtained a point in 3D that is already in world coordinates, and I can also get my camera object, so how can I judge that the point I have acquired is in the current camera field of view? ...
The code is as follows. After introducing the model using ColladaLoader, I don t know how to use Geometry or how to get the size of the model. var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader(); var mesh; loader.load("dae LuckyStrike luckystrike.dae", f...
which is better? ...
First of all, there is an initial location point point1 = new THREE.Vector3 in 3D, and there is also a corresponding viewpoint now. When I randomly click on other points, I get the second point point2 = new THREE.Vector3 (x2Magnegy y2jinz2). Now I want t...
Hello! I have a question to teach the gods I want to use the network example, want to use ThreeBSP to do substract to get a new shape, and then try to use array to material the six sides of the object , but the result is that the first copy in the arr...
such as the title: No matter how you do it, you will report this mistake. Do you want to cry? has anyone encountered the latest version of three.js v0.96 ? this.stlLoader.load ( . a.stlpercent, function (geometry) {) var mat = new THREE.MeshLambert...
1, I introduced threejs, into vue-cli to use local images as textures, but texture has always been wrong. How should I write the path that texture.image has been underfine,? -sharp-sharp-sharp problem description I wrote the threejs code in mounted to...
I want to embed the demo of threejs into a div, and then change the size of the renderer to put it in my other pages. It turns out that after the size of the renderer has changed, the ray pickup seems to have gone wrong. was originally renderer.setSiz...
the code to load the gltf file is as follows: function loadGLTF(path, fileName) { var loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader(); loader.load(`${path}${fileName}.gltf`, function (gltf) { let object = gltf.scene; object.scale.set...
you need to use ThreeJS to make an object, but the shape of the object is unpredictable, so it can t be stored. Generation in motion (relying on setinterval) makes the number of frames very low; and somehow memory grows so fast that it takes dozens of s...
scene: several engineering paving vehicles need to draw the path trace in real time, because the trace needs to be used in the back roller, so the trace cannot be destroyed, but the page disappears and crashes out of memory in a short time. Is there any ...
problem description I want to implement the background effect in https: . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried tried a lot of methods, currently implemented mobile, but did not figure out how...
some time ago, I didn t understand the concept of viewbox window in svg, but when I was learning threeJs, I learned that the concept of camera has something similar. I hope someone can give me some guidance. ...
requirements description recently encountered a demand to draw the 3D gain effect map (antenna radiation pattern) of the antenna on the wireless base station on web. The approximate effect of the drawing is as follows: ::0-3593d : this is the v...
there is a unit vector p (x _ 1) to find the vector Q (x _ 1 ~ y _ 1 ~ Z1) p and Q are perpendicular to each other, and the cross product of p and Q is perpendicular to the Y axis. how to find Q? ...
A piece of Python code, click Save, select the python format, but finally show the file format. searched for something similar, but still couldn t solve it. https: dongdou. ** * * ...
broken line chart, to get the data of the current time and 00:00 on the same day, how to set up xAxis, you can display "00:00 " at the origin of the coordinate axis, and the current time, such as "18:22 ", at the top on the right side of the x-axis...
what should I do if I want to call the method of f.cs in GoalModel.ashx.cs? GoalModel.ashx.cs namespace KeyGoal { public class GoalModel : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string t...
<div><button>< button>< div> btn.addEventListener("click", function(){ console.log("btn"); },false); div.addEventListener("click", function(){ console.log("div"); }, false); Ther...