problem description use three.js to load a model on the page, how to add a text note to a component of the model (such as figure, blue box)? And the text rotates with the model, always facing the viewer. Picture effect is the effect you want to ac...
recently, threeJs loading model is used. A single model has onLoad callback, but generally not only one model is loaded. How can you tell that all models have been loaded? ...
problem description the curve generated by CatmullRomCurve3 will be displayed as a whole, how to make it longer slowly related codes var curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3( [ new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), new THREE...
for example, if the position of camera is set to 0,0,24 in 3dmax, and the position of camera is also set to 0,0,24 using the ThreeJS loading model, is the image the same as that of 3dmax? ...
threejs needs to call too many js when building a scene, how to load it on demand? tried requirejs, but didn t feel quite in demand. for example, to build a material, you need to import about 10 + js, but this material is not used initially (such a...
as the title, I load 3D models to the page through webGL, but the location, size, angle and so on of some models are not very suitable. I want to do a script for automatic normalization and standardization of 3D models at the front end. My current think...
ask the gods how to achieve this kind of effect ...
I ve loaded a fbx model, which has materials and maps, and now I want to add a metal-like reflective effect to the model. I tried to create a new phong material directly and add it to the model, but at this time the original material and map of the m...
ask the masters how to generate a random circle in the circle. The random circle cannot exceed the boundary of the large circle ...
how to use three.js in react how to use js files in js examples ...
given a quaternion, how to calculate the new vector of a three-dimensional vector rotated by this quaternion? Quaternion refers to Quaternion of the threeJS document I understand the formula for calculating rotation of quaternions. I can write i...
I created a ball model, and then posted a picture on the model, and then slowly let the ball disappear, changing the transparency has no effect! Ask for advice pay the complete code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charse...
found that click events could not be added to the imported obj because obj is of type group. so you need to convert obj to type mesh. but I don t know how to implement it. Do you have a great god to explain it ?...
for example, I want to get the position of each object then add a note at the top how to do this? ...
what is the idea of realizing the canvas special effect of this heat dissipation blade on the official website of https: ...
three.js renders more than a thousand sphere movements and color changes without sticking. At present, the var sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ({color: 0xff0000}) of the sphere is created in this way; var sphereGeometry = new THREE.Sphere...
three.js frame of WEBGL I created a cylinder with the geometric model of CylinderGeometry, but I only want to paste it on the side of the arc. I don t want to paste the bottom of the arc. How to deal with this? Or is there any way to achieve it? ...
there is a json 3D object, which was successfully imported when it was imported, and no error was reported, but it had no effect. ask the boss to take a look at it. Thank you very much! The code address of is as follows: https: LengYXin t...
I want to make a model with 3dmax and load using ThreeJS . Given the mapping rules, the map image resource is later loaded image or canvas, can replace the map and re-render with one click. because the model is not a simple square or other regular g...
ask for your advice. Recently, when I was working on a project, I used three.js to load an obj hollowed-out cabinet model. When I was hyperopic, I had serious perspective patches, set many properties of the renderer, and turned on the performance of the...