start = +new Date() now = +new Date() time = moment(now - start) console.log(time.format( D H mm ss )) output is: 1 8 00 00 refer to the momentjs file as: http: libs mo. what s going on? I hope to correctly compare the differenc...
Sat, 16 Jun 2018 03:55:53 + 0000 Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:16:17 + 0800 is there any difference between the above two times? could you tell me which is Beijing time ...
app.use(async ctx => { console.log( ctx ,ctx) if (" qsonhs.aspx" == ctx.path) { http .get("http: index.json", res => { const { statusCode } = res; const contentType = res.headers["...
use decorators in typescript to add some methods to a class. Decorator export default function eventDecorator(target: EventEmitterType) { target.prototype.on = __event.on.bind(__event) = targ...
webview, that uses mui looks like this when the real machine is running : html is as follows: <nav class="mui-bar mui-bar-tab"> <a href="index.html" class="mui-tab-item mui-active" id="...
our company s PC project is a single-page application developed with vue. Recently, the leader said that our PC official website, Baidu only includes the home page that needs to solve the SEO problem with the server. this is a problem that I do not und...
the following two arrays are used to find the best merging method $arr_1 = [ [ id =>1, cc => dd , ee => hh ], [ id =>2, cc => gg , ee => qq ], [ id =>3, cc => yy , ee => ], ]; $arr_2...