I saw the following introduction in the vim document: Vim : - fileencoding encoding - fileencoding encoding - termencoding encoding - termencoding encoding - LC_MESSAGE encoding ( gettext) - Vim :s...
how to enter a question such as a title description? ...
win10 system, vim is downloaded from here 64-bit: Vim 8.1.0547 applies to Windows YouCompleteMe is installed in accordance with the complete installation guide on github , and all the steps are successful. prompt after opening Vim (this error is ...
problem description just entering VIM, I want 4 indented spaces when editing * .php files, but 2 indented spaces when editing * .blade.php files. currently sets the number of spaces according to Filetype, but this setting does not meet my needs. ...
problem description @ src hoc withPage how to let vim recognize @ src as the current working directory the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried mac vim8 YCM did not find the relevant configuration related codes ...
after using VSCode, for 3 hours, I felt too big to control. Then I switched back to Atom, and found that all the configuration files and plug-ins were deleted. The first thing I did when I switched back to Atom was to install: vim-mode and ex-mode, but ...
centos 64-bit vim opens the file as follows: on the left side is the centos 32-bit vim open file display, the right side is centos 64-bit display, feel a bit awkward into bold, online search to modify the bold way does not work, do not know how to c...
I use NERDTree, in vim and there is a very useful shortcut Ctrl+w+w is used to switch horizontally, but I think it s too troublesome. I want to set another shortcut for this key combination, such as . Ctrl+Alt+Left I don t know how to configure it...
kneel for answers the error is as follows: function <SNR>2_install[1]--<SNR>2_update_impl[58]--<SNR>2_git_version_requirement[2]--<SNR>2_system : 6 : E482: C: Users <bc><d1><c6><e6> AppData Local ...
when I compile and install vim manually, I prompt this error config parameter as follows: . configure --prefix= usr --with-features=huge --enable-multibyte --enable-cscope=yes --enable-perlinterp=yes --enable-rubyinterp=yes --...
when I install vim through source code compilation, I add the following parameters when compiling . configure --prefix= usr --with-features=huge --enable-multibyte --enable-cscope=yes --enable-perlinterp=yes --enable-rubyinterp=yes ...
The Linux view command looks at files, such as xml, why there is no syntax highlighting? vi check for syntax highlighting. How can view turn on syntax highlighting? ...
topic description in the fun call of the TcpSocket, function derived from the base class socketBase, the this pointer of the derived class is passed to the function that takes the socketBase pointer of the base class as an argument. In the function, t...
MAC vim-go ( https: github.com fatih vim-go) completion + < Cmuro > this error occurs: Omni completion (^ O ^ N ^ P) Pattern not found and the completion window has not been and cannot be used .vimrc configuration at all. set nocompatible filetyp...
attempted to mount the project under the www directory in windosw to mnt hgfs WWW in vm, and then added a virtual host through nginx, pointing the domain name to a project in mnt hgfs WWW, with various 403404503 errors . some said that php-fpm did ...
as shown in figure by the way. How does neovim.qt copy content to the system clipboard? Or paste the contents of the system clipboard ...
how do I use the lookup function of vim? I found this kind of information when using lookup, you can use n to move on to the next one. but where to enter "n ". isn t that a search for PKn? Why don t you make it clear that pressing n ap...
: member reference base type boost::property_tree:pree (aka int ) is not a structure or union ) boost::property_tree::ptree parser; boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(" home jiangsheng git2 jsnanotrader setting.json", p...
problem description vim in an environment where ctags is not installed, why you can still use jump in the help file to jump to the appropriate tag. how do we use the tag function of vim without ctags ...
< H2 > such as centos < H2 > vim 8.1.152 cannot copy text to the pasteboard using V "* y ...
this._isMounted my requirement is to trigger the topImgs () method after the component is mounted, get the data list from the back end, and then assign the list to topImgsList. Gods, please take a look. What went wrong? ...
loadNumber: function (event) { var el = event.currentTarget; var elValue = el.value; var reg = ^((?!0) d{1,2}|100)$ ; if (!elValue.match(reg)) { elValue = ""; console.log("b")...
problem description I wrote Mini Program on the first day. I just finished creating the project, and then I reported this mistake. What is the reason for this? cloud init error: {errMsg: "operateWXData:fail invalid scope "} the environmental backg...
the virtual machine specification specifies the parent delegation mechanism of the classloader, but due to the problem of the runtime package (namespace), there is isolation, as mentioned in the book, but every class load will save a class file, but I r...
problem description in project development, you like to save some data selected by users. Storage local cache is used here. The next time you open Mini Program, you can use storage to obtain and assign values to data data. However, every time you modi...