there is a volatile attribute in the netty internal logging framework InternalLoggerFactory that defaultFactory, does not understand why the volatile keyword is added, and if it is to implement a singleton, why not add the getDefaultFactory method in th...
public class TestClass { int i = 0; volatile boolean tmpvo = false; public void one() { i = 1; tmpvo = true; } public void two() { if(tmpvo) { int j = i; ...... } } } suppose that after the one () metho...
for unprotected multithreads, it is uncertain when some data is modified in one thread and when it is submitted to main memory, and the values used by other threads are not necessarily up-to-date. in the case of volatile modification, it is guaranteed t...
the time plug-ins jedate js and css have been confirmed to be introduced, but the page cannot be obtained when the page is loaded. I don t know why? html: <!-- --> <input type="text" class="Wdate" id="...
how art-template refers to public files is not used in the nodejs environment, but is directly referenced in the page of js, to try include can not be introduced. Is there any other public way not to do this under nodejs? ...
practice using simple vuex to pass values store.js: const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { headImg: "" }, mutations:{ newImg(state,msg){ state.headImg=msg; } } }) pass value: this.$store.commit ( "newImg ", ...
you can implement with the browser s own scroll bar. this.$nextTick(() => { var div = document.getElementById( message-container ) div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight }) ...
how does JS call the emptying event? as shown in the following figure ...