requirement description: the tree component of element-ui is used in the project, the content of each node needs to be customized, and the rendering function is used: renderContent(h, { node, data, store }) { if({ re...
what happens when vue-i8n implements multilingual switching and page re-rendering. In modular development, whether it will trigger a certain life cycle of vue, whether there is a callback function, that is, how to know in the component that Chinese has b...
problem description the project uses iview and vue-i18n plug-in, and basically all of them can be translated. However, it is found that Modal and DatePick of iview cannot be translated and no error is reported. the environmental background of the pr...
i18n internationalization plug-in is used in the project, but how to set the style in Chinese and English respectively. I have defined a font size, which is smaller in English than in Chinese, and how to set the font style in English to be different from...
using internationalized plug-ins in vue projects will cause probabilistic errors when switching pages.: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property _ t of null at VueComponent.Vue.$t, keeps repeating errors in an orderly manner (for example, 4 errors at ...
the code is as follows: html: <div class = "a"> <span :class="{active: isTable == a }" @click = "table( a )">{{ $t("EOSGame.shaiZi.part1") }}< span> <span :class="{active: ...
as mentioned, iview is loaded on demand, and iview2.x was used before vue-i18n, was used in the project. Just after upgrading to iview3.0.1, the iview component will not switch languages when making an internationalization switch. has anyone encounter...
1.v-for is used to judge vmurif. the condition of judgment comes from the value 2 in v-for. The code is as follows: <div v-for="item in items"> <div v-if="{{item.num}}>0"> abc < div> <div...
The project uses vue-i18n, tags like this in the .vue file. I use node to extract the json from < i18n > in all the .vue files into a json file. After the translator has translated it, the translator writes it back to the .vue with node, and then there ...
when working on a project, directly use the previous language pack and then when the previous language code is brought over to use, there is a warning PS:keypath Home keypath how should I solve this problem? ...
][2] I need to use it when writing plug-ins. It has been introduced globally in iMub 18n MagneVue, but I don t know how to use it in plug-ins. Please give me some advice ....
Project situation: vue project, webpack package function you want to achieve: switch pictures in the corresponding language according to different locales file : : ...
version information is "element-ui ": "^ 2.3.3 ", "vue ": "^ 2.5.2 " projects need to use element-ui paging component -- Pagination , and need to use multiple languages ( vue-i18n ) to support switching between Chinese and English. According...
use vue-i18n to achieve internationalization, but after switching languages, the height of the fixed operation column is not consistent with that of other columns (after refreshing). The check element finds that the height is the same, and I don t know...
I want to get the current language, depending on whether the data value is 0 or 1, whether it is displayed in Chinese, yes in English or no in Chinese, or no in English ...
ask for instructions on how to verify the objects in the array in the object. to verify dataForm.phones [0] .brand < el-form < el-form-item. data are as follows: data() { return { dataFrom: { name: , computer: { bran...
now there is a CAPTCHA sent, and then the client requests to come back, compare it, and then determine whether it is successful or not. But I don t know where to store this CAPTCHA! Please give me some advice ...
how does the Vue project realize one-click skinning on a website The item is the less, in which the css style is used and is written in the .vue file how to change the color of the website with one click ...
Hello, seniors. I bought a CVM in Aliyun. I want to throw my packaged vue project on it and use the public network to access it. I can access it normally when I configure nginx, on my own window computer! But throwing it into the server of the linux sys...
is learning the contents of ES6. I am reading a book published by teacher Ruan Yifeng. I see the contents of the variable declaration about the temporary dead zone. Here is an example: var tmp = 123; if (true) { tmp = abc ; ReferenceError:tmp ...