as shown in the figure, the first text: star is written, and then the loop adds text, without styling, but automatically wraps the line. You can see that the width of the highlighted parent element is normal, including the width of all text. textcss ...
recently, you can use a music interface to run node locally to request data in the local domain name, but Mini Program does not support the local domain name. I run it on the server and find that Mini Program s legitimate domain name only supports https...
I want to write a public function that gets the location of the user. I currently write that the data of return is not assigned a value because of asynchronous requests, so printing locationData should be undefined. Would like to ask the gods how to wri...
wx.login can get openid and session_key wx.getUserInfo can get basic userInfo and encrypted signature data Wechat s official login process is to first obtain the openid from wx.login and store it in the database, and then wx.getUserInfo to obtain th...
it is in the middle on the Android, but it is crooked with the Apple 6 test. It doesn t work with either of the following. display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-align: center; ...
1, as shown in the figure, I declared recorderManager on the outermost. 2, however, recording. No printed results? Ask for advice ...
Why is there no data on WeChat Mini Programs s phone when previewing? There is in the development tool simulator. what s the reason ...
Mini Program flashes by adjusting the payment control. I want to ask you what s going on with Daniel. There must be no problem with the parameters . ...
I was just looking at Mini Program s customer service message document, but someone said that don t worry about this piece, just throw a button open-type= contact . In the debugging tool test, you found that the chat window did not come out. Do you h...
WeChat Pay document has a notify_url, that is used to send payment notifications to the backend, but when you see many cases, the foreground will write this: wx.requestPayment({ timeStamp :timeStamp, nonceStr : nonceStr, package : package...
for example, the original local directory of Mini Program is: E: mp aaa then I changed aaa to bbb when I opened the developer tool of Wechat and prompted "the entry app.json file was not found, or the file failed to read, please check and r...
does WeChat Mini Programs have a method similar to vue s v-html to render a piece of content containing tags now the demand is: I have made a chat Mini Program, I want to identify the link in the chat message, put a tag on it and add a special colo...
as shown in the figure above, a string is sent back in the background. How to highlight the number? ...
The code is simple, as follows: wx.request({ url: https: ...... , method: GET , header: { content-type : application x-www-form-urlencoded }, success: function (res) { wx.showToast({ title: "success" ...
how does Mini Program pay to debug locally? is it necessary to apply for a payment authentication number to debug? ...
as shown in the figure, the whole list is looped out by wx:for. You want to click on the small picture on the right (the small picture is also looped out by wx:for) to add a border color to the picture, and the big image on the left is changed to the...
because it is a form, I need to click to add a form, so I may have multiple values for each form, so I created a nickname_1,nickname_2 and the like to render multiple forms through keys, so I need to write it this way ...
the custom component in WeChat Mini Programs, but the canvas component has no effect. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? ready(){ const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext( back-canvas ) ctx.setFillStyle( red ) ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 15...
the event of WeChat Mini Programs s component swiper: bindchange, is written directly in mpvue like the following, and will not be triggered, why? <swiper class="content_top weui-article" :current=currentTab @bindchange="switchTab&q...
the project needs to get a base64 image from the h5 page embedded in the mini program webview, and use this picture as a picture of the sharing window when sharing. The picture is dynamically generated by the canvas of h5. Now the base64 can be fully pa...
<?php $redata = array( 0=>[ id =>1, name => , age =>22, hobby => ], 1=>[ id =>1, name => , age =>22, hobby => ], 2=>[ id =>2, name => , age =>20, hobby ...
I created the xfind library using use xfind, but show dbs does not display the library, only the db command does, which is why ...
< hr > problem description there is a form on the index page that queries email and returns the results to the page and pagination. After submitting the form, the result is indeed paginated, but clicking on any paging is a 404 error page. what resul...
https: p 2ab. for example, this sentence LoadLoad Barrier: for such a statement, Load1; LoadLoad; Load2, ensures that the data to be read by Load1 is read before the data to be read by Load2 and subsequent read operations is accesse...
the SubMenu in the, antd Menu component is passed into the Times through the component. The reason for the preliminary analysis of is that the build will be wrapped with a label. How to solve this problem? Screenshots of the specific code are as foll...