I have a business scenario page An is a first-level page, page B is a detailed page of page A, in which there is a button to add details to enter the C form page, fill out the form and click to successfully enter D. Confirm page D click the button insi...
the first requirement is that when the page is loaded for the first time, it will verify whether it has been stored in the database. If it is saved, it will display indexA. If the database cannot find data, how can indexB, control the display? I can wri...
for the business needs of the company, the details section of a page of Mini Program is the html tag edited by the rich text editor returned from the API, and the image matches the text. I originally thought that Mini Program did not recognize the html t...
just started the development of Mini Program to see Mini Program login process, why do you need Mini Program to obtain code, through wx.login and then give code to the server, and let the server request Wechat server through code to get openid and other ...
when WeChat Mini Programs shares with others on iOS, there are no pictures on the card , but pictures can be displayed on Android onShareAppMessage: function (res) { var that = this; return { title: that.data.title, path: pages detail detail?id...
currently doing project refactoring, I have never done payment business before. recently, I am doing the work related to WeChat Pay. There was an online version before, but there is no sandbox environment for payment, so I am now working on WeChat Pay...
current situation: We are abbreviated as A, and the other party is referred to as B . Mini Program a was developed under the official account of A, and then Wechat card coupons were created in the official account of B . How can we call the wx.addCard i...
first of all, the absolute positioning of the small box in wxml binds the values of left and top, both of which are 10, used to initialize the positioning the page structure is gray with a view relative positioning, wrapped with internal red view, re...
there is a painful need is that the selector data of a form page is obtained from the server data, return several objects, generate several picker, (not necessarily generate several), the user selects the data and clicks the submit button to get the data...
the last picture should be in the left list and appear in the right list. parent element style of picture list <view class= video-list > <block wx:for= {{urls}} wx:key= this > <view class= img-wrap > ...
the data returned by the interface of generating QR code with WeChat Mini Programs is like this. How can I display the QR code picture without going through the server? ...
WeChat Mini Programs, the backend changed the interface for uploading pictures. Said to use PUT to upload files. Check Mini Program s document, which says that the API uploads local resources to the developer server and the client initiates a HTTPS POST...
Mini Program backend requests Wechat server to return whether the openid, user s first login is based on openid to build the user data table. The client login successfully requests that the user data be sent to the server. The server receives the 3rd_se...
at present, I have written the login operation in app.js. After obtaining Wechat s code, I obtain the authentication access-token from my own server. the code is as follows app.js onLaunch: function () { wx.login({ success: ...
Picture Preview API execution is successful, but after canceling the preview, the console panel has such an error : ...
as shown in the two pictures above, how did Mini Program canvas undo the first drawing, and then draw it again (the sixth pattern of the second picture becomes normal, and the fourth one becomes selected) ...
I asked for the mini code at the front end, which returned a pile of garbled codes. java has found a way to convert binary streams and pictures to each other on the Internet, but the data obtained from the WeChat Mini Programs code interface cannot get...
the api interface that Wechat updated recently cannot pop up automatically using wx.getUserInfo s api. only through button s open-type to actively obtain authorization pop-up window is there a way to click on button automatically or is there any oth...
in native js, the drawImage method of canvas supports passing video elements. url: ask the gods, if you want to intercept the first frame of the video as a picture in WeChat Mini Programs, what can you do? ...
topic description as shown in the question, if you know the GPS coordinates of five points, how to find the sixth point and minimize the sum of the distances from the other five points, and find out his GPS coordinates would like to ask if you have ...
isn t the js code automatically executed by loading the js file directly? Why does webpack need to wrap the js code in a jsonp way? Is designed to avoid namespace conflicts? ...
The Debug in permission list filterChainDefinitionMap is as follows: filterorg.apache.shiro.web.filter.AccessControlFilter: subject.isPermittedDebug: error message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wildcard string cannot be null or empty. M...
< H1 > question < H1 > poi reports an Duplicate PageSettingsBlock record exception when reading the xls file exported by the company s reporting system. org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordFormatException: Duplicate PageSettingsBlock record (sid=0x29) ...
I used vue to make mobile website design similar to app, but when I press the return button, the page has to be reloaded instead of cached, which is different from the daily experience of using app. How does app control refresh? Is it that most pages are...