when you click the return button in the upper left corner of the page to return to the previous page with input, the input is often stuck and cannot be clicked on the Apple 6s. Testing other models is fine, as is the case with the Apple 6s. when you ...
get the data from the background, and when you are about to bind the data, you suddenly find that the data format is like this the attribute names of data data are all numbers. After asking, I learned that it was to save the name, so I encountered ...
WeChat Mini Programs calls the API wx.chooseImage () to obtain local photo albums after the selection, click finish to jump to Mini Program s home page, and then there is no more Code: chooseImage(){ let that = this; wx.chooseImage({ ...
app.globalData.Authorization is the global variable that saves token http({ url, data, method }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const app = getApp(); wx.request({ url: url, data: data, method, ...
how to change the status of the current icon when clicked <view class= audiobox wx:for="{{data}}"> <image bindtap="audioPlay" src="{{playState}}" >< image> js part audioPlay(e) { this.setDa...
console.log is written in front of pasue () and the console has output. If you write pause () in front of log, you won t execute it. I don t know what the problem is. audioPlay() { console.log( autoplay ) InnerAudioContext.pause() } use the offi...
developed WeChat Mini Programs, used wx:if wx;else, , then two view tags, finally interpreted as a tag <view wx:if="item.TITLE_CODE!== GRANT_SALARY ">{{item.TITLE_NAME}}< view> <view wx:else> ...
problem description because the project needs to do a countdown, but the data output in console.log is output in seconds, but the data on the page is not updated. Instead, it is updated every 7 seconds and 8 seconds. For example, the countdown is 00:1...
what should the WeChat Mini Programs switch with different text, button or picture do? ...
error when using iview framework toast components in mpvue Module parse failed: Unexpected token (17:8) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. page introduces const {$Toast} = require ( ".. static iview toast index "); h...
I created a new main.json in pages my. { "window": { "navigationBarTitleText": "123" } } but the header of the Mini Program page does not show the modified , but the configuration in the app.json . ...
problem description under consultation, how is it possible to adjust the camera directly in Mini Program s page? all the cameras I call using Wechat s interface turn on the camera. Full screen. how can I achieve the same function as Mini Program...
problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) <swiper indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}"...
does WeChat Mini Programs still have port number restrictions? The default port 443 of https is not used. ...
is not quite like Wechat s version. At present, Wechat s version is above 6.7, while the supported version of Mini Program s API method is less than 2.0 ....
recently, Mini Program is working on a project on article data analysis. At this stage, the article is displayed in Mini Program by climbing the official account of Wechat. The article content parsing plug-in used by Mini Program is wxParse, but when it...
question: 1. Create a timer in the custom function: this.data.inval = setInterval (); 2. Clear clearInterval (this.data.inval) in the bindchange event of swiper; it is found that it cannot be cleared. is there any situation in which the timer can no...
the QR code of the picture identified by WeChat Mini Programs good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to ask WeChat Mini Programs how to identify the QR code picture in a certain page. It is said that it is OK to preview wx.previewImage , ...
for example, if you click an icon on the page, do you want to get the position of the current icon from the screen? in Mini Program s event object, there are currentTarget.offsetLeft and currentTarget.offsetTop , but this is the offset of the curr...
A new subpackage is configured in the subPackages field of app.json, but an error is reported, and the directory of the new subpackage is not automatically generated. As shown in the figure: ...
it is expected that the following code should be printed in the order of 1 2 3 4 5, but when it is actually executed, it is 1 2 5 3 4 4 (async () => { console.log("1"); let n = await new Promise((reslove, reject) => { console.lo...
the interface is as follows: The code is as follows: <div id="app"> <select> <option :value="item" v-for="item in region">{{item}}< option> < select> <selec...
problem description how does vscode exchange the values of two selected characters? how do I achieve an effect like sublime text s ctrl+t (swapping their values) when I select two words in the editor with my mouse? the platform version of the prob...
Environment iMac macos 10.12 the connected mysql is external, not the mysql of XAMPP there is no problem with the: linode, JP speed of the server reason I found that I am very slow to run localhost on this iMac. On average, it may take at leas...
figure 1: 2: figure 1 above is my code, and after running the code again, it automatically parses to PHP code. I don t quite understand that there will be a big problem if I do the above operation. How to solve this problem? thank you for answer...