Whether scroll-left has a maximum horizontal scrolling limit in WeChat Mini Programs < scroll-view >. when scroll-left= "600s ", as you can see, it is at position 1990 when scroll-left= "650s ", as you can see, it is at 1992 position when scroll-le...
forecastArray : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] the related code is shown in the figure. You want to implement a horizontal sliding list, but you can t slide it. ...
incorrect picture display occurred when parsing Wechat template using wxParse <section class="KolEditor" style="undefined"> <section style="background-image:url(http: kol-statics.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com editor...
did an experiment, open WeChat Mini Programs debugging window, enter this, in the input box under the console, and then OK, results to print out the Window object, in which crypto, requestAnimationFrame and other BOM things are available, and all three e...
video video rotation in WeChat Mini Programs swiper. error reporting method: when the current video is played, the next video will be played automatically. ...
the company wants to use WeChat Mini Programs to make a mall, and then there is a user who recharges to the account, and then needs to be able to withdraw cash, or withdraw it to a bank card, after recharging. But WeChat Mini Programs seems to have only ...
other uses such as regeneratorRuntime is not defined,promise are normal in the tool. I deleted the place where I used yiled. There is no error. Mini Program does not support yeild? ....
demand: partners have developed nail micro-applications, hoping to seamlessly connect with our products, probably like Mini Program jump, hoping to jump from their micro-applications to our micro-applications, question: can the jump be realized for th...
onPullDownRefresh() { this.init(); setTimeout(() => { wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); }, 600); }, the above code is the page initialization after the drop-down refresh. Because the drop-down cannot be stopped automatically on the real...
follow login with Wechat scan code, the user scans the code, and the official account does not receive any push events. Other mobile phones, WeChat accounts can be received normally. A test phone, cancel the event can not be received, but the official ac...
with the following nginx configuration, can Mini Program read cache locally? location static { expires 30d; autoindex on; add_header Cache-Control private; alias ... assets; } ...
how does WeChat Mini Programs long press the picture to save? ...
how do users create and insert new data when requesting data? I think the data sent from the background will be added to the initial data data, and then re-setData ({}). But if the amount of data is large, such as the initial display of 20 pieces of data...
for example: click < text > 123 < text > and copy content 123, and there are multiple < text > ...
rt, for example, I cached user data, other Mini Program also cached user data, key is the same, will it be overwritten? ...
developed by Mini Program, after the font is reduced, the line spacing setting is invalid and takes up too much space .roomtext { width: 498rpx; } .roomtext text { width: 498rpx; height: 108rpx; color:-sharpa3a3a3; font-size: 20rpx; line-heigh...
according to the picture, when the user does not follow the official account, the user s openid and UnionID can still be obtained. But the truth is, I can only get openid. Only users who follow can get UnionID (which means there is nothing wrong with t...
the official account of Wechat has been used for payment before. You need to confirm the authorization and then get the openid to call wx-jssdk for WeChat Pay. The scene must be in Wechat. the current situation is that Wechat may also be in the browser,...
I have a list of friends in Mini Program. When Mini Program uses it for a few minutes, the avatar of his friend will randomly disappear one or more. It should be said that it has become transparent, because clicking on the area of the original profile im...
I would like to ask if there is a way to remove the page jump animation of the wx.reLaunch method, just like when you use wx.switchTab to switch, the page is displayed directly instead of sliding right into this. ...
title var tree = [ { name: a , children:[ { name: aa , children:[ { name: aaa }, { ...
problem solved: create a project using weexpack create project name , do not use weex create project name in the official document! < hr > create a project using weex , introduce weex-ui, to copy weex-ui s demo code , and report an error in...
Hello everyone, if I want to simulate a change event of a text box on a react website. and I don t have react source code. I want to write code simulation on chrome s console. What should I do? if it s your own react project, it s easy to simula...
var myNumber = { value: 1, add: function(i){ var helper = function(i){ console.log(this); this.value += i; } helper(i); } } myNumber.add(1); Why does this this point to window?? The add method called by the myNumber o...