problem description Wechat JSSDK config displays OK,checkJsApi, shows OK, and then there is no response. It does not play the sharing interface and does not report an error . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have trie...
< H1 > use the wx.config () function to inject api for onScanWXDeviceResult hardware scan events, and the calling permission is always false on iOS < H1 > 1. Wx.config () injection permission was used! wx.config({ beta:true, ...
uses the egg library and has wechat,co-wechat-api,egg-wechat-api respectively. there is no Token in several api clocks router.js app.get( wechat , user.wechat ); controlleruser.js const Controller = require( egg ).Controller; const Wech...
when sending an ordinary string, it can jump to Wechat normally, but when calling the login authorization, it returns code, without confirming the login, and then calling to get access_token is also a normal return. What s wrong? my code: public clas...
the company recently studied echarts, to draw this kind of chart, and found that echarts did not provide this kind of chart. I think it may need to be combined, but there is no direction. Have any friends ever done this? Please give me your advice. Thank...
use openlayers3 for map positioning, now the range of map positioning is 1km, how to calculate the pixel distance of 1km at the current level on the map? Or how to get the current level scale. Ol rookie, ask the gods for help ...
recently wrote something to compare the text, and then considered the problem of line wrapping, that is, {item.lenContent} {item.content}ant-list-item have you thought about using table, at first, and then you still use the list, that comes with ant ...
<button @click="getNearby" class="nearby">{{ destinationAddress }}< button> setDestinationAddress (addressComponents) { this.destinationAddress = + addressComponents.district + addressCompo...
at present, when Mini Program s wepy framework component acquires a global globaldata object, it needs this.$parent.$parent; . Is there any way to do function processing in a file, and which gloabaldata object can you directly go to when this function i...