I want to convert a mudlib transcoding from gbk to utf8,. I can convert suffixed files such as * .c and * .h to * .c.bak and * .h.bak save, and then: find. -type f-name "* .c " | xargs-I {} sh-c "mv {} .bak {} " can be saved. the problem...
I use echarts, to click on the bar chart generated by echarts to trigger the click event for navigate jump. When entering a new route, a lifecycle function cannot be triggered, so that the data cannot be rendered to the page. ...
the front-end page jquery sends data to the background, and the background returns the data. The console reports 500. You can actually see that some data has been returned in response. Front end code: : : URL : solve. ...
seniors, I am learning how to use Node to build a website. I encounter a very confused problem that cannot be solved. I hope to get some advice from my seniors there are several a tag connections below. I want to click on the connection to jump to the...
just like alt+space to exhale the initiator window ...
Page load jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) { var loading=false $( div-sharppost-read-more a ).click( function() { if(loading)return loading=true $this = $(this); $this.addClass( loading ).text("...