how to make the click event of button take effect, and the touch event becomes invalid, ask God to solve ...
uses zepto.js sliding left and right on full screen. One screen includes slide switch, which is also slide left and right. Using swiper.js, when sliding slide image switch, it slides directly to the next screen. How to let the left and right slide of sw...
OKAY take it away electron-builder electron-builder version=19.56.2 loaded configuration file=package.json ( "build " field) writing effective config file=build electron-builder.yaml rebuilding native production dependencies platform=linux arch=x...
cannot loop?? with slides Grid var swiper = new Swiper( .adviser-list .swiper-container , { autoplay: true, loop : true, slidesPerView: 3, slidesPerColumn: 2, spaceBetween: 10, navigation: { ...
I now have a set of data that is looped through v-for, in which a data is given red when it needs to be greater than zero and green when it is below zero. What are the ways to implement the code? I want to write it in the loop body and make a judgment a...
what is the software that frames on the screen when recording a video? As shown in the following gif: ...
A set of data is returned after simulated login using curl. how do I get the st value under data? $info = $this->curl_post_https( https: xxx Home logindo?fromSite=6 ,$cookie = tempnam( E: wwwroot tp5 public , cookie ),$data); return $i...