for some reason, zsh runs abnormally in intellij idead. Open the terminal of Intellij IDEA, prompt configureCommandHistory:6: command not found: cp and then enter ls and other common commands do not exist. export PATH finds that the path is dif...
execute the following command: ps aux | grep-n redis-server | grep-v grep the process information of redis-server can be found normally. (Note: grep-v grep is to exclude the process information of grep itself from the results) but write it as a...
git branch the output of the branch will be displayed like the more command under Linux. You need to press Q again to exit as shown in figure . version information $ zsh --version zsh 5.3 (x86_64-apple-darwin18.0) $ git --version ...
excuse me: what does the ~ $ after this bash code grep mean? grep-z-vE ~ $ Baidu and Google have no results. Who can give me some advice? Thank you very much! ...
such as the title. the function I implement now is to find the first file even if I open it with vim for editing: vfin() {vim $(find -iname "$1")} but most of the time, you need to select one of the multiple files with the same name to ...
problem description what I may have described is a bit of a problem, maybe it has nothing to do with zsh. The specific problem is: first of all, the content in my file1 is as follows: asdsdf sdfsdbbb abbbb then I run the following command in iterm:...
after zsh is installed and configured according to ...
how to change the term effect on phpstorm to this on iterm2 the main problem is front jagged, no iterm2 neat problems with installing zsh on mac show the effect of zsh on phpstorm zshiterm2 ...
for example, the file structure is as follows: file1 file2 directory file3 directory file4 now move all the above files and folders to a new folder newDirectory . How does the command line implement? filenames may be irregular filenames, and there m...
why% sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https: robbyrussell oh-my-zsh master tools" curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Operation timed out...
problem description such as the title. I get the token from the server in app.js, and then bring it to the access interface in the future. However, the onload in index.js is loaded at about the same time as the request in app.js when it is loaded for ...
uric:outJavaWeb,jstl1.2jarlib,.maven only those built with this selected one have these problems. I have also looked up some like https: que. like https: que. wow, I think it would be nice if it could be sol...
how to do sharing content like this? is the part circled in the red box. I don t know how to do through sharing. This is shared to twitter....
as shown in the figure, how to change Invalid date to a custom prompt and how to align names and times in the step component of react ...
problem description how to implement the format group by XJ y in django the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) want...