there is such a requirement: as shown in the following figure. Considering the large amount of data, the back end gives two interfaces. The first interface: to enter the page is to return all the root directories (an array, implemented), which is a reque...
check box for ztree: my code: var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.init($("-sharptreeDemo"), setting, zNodes); console.log(zNodes); treeObj.expandAll(true); which god will take a look at it for me ...
The official document of ztree only gives a collection of canceled or selected nodes of all nodes. Now I just want to get the id and status of the node of the currently selected item. What can I do? Code: function zTreeOnCheck(event, treeId, t...
only there is a selection box in front of the file. There is no in front of the folder....
<template> <div class="wrapper"> <pop-nav :nav-list="navList">< pop-nav> <pop-title>{{$t("store.shopCategory.title")}}< pop-title> <div class="btn-group...
A question is that a div snooping touchend controls video playback. In ios, if you swipe over the div and eventually leave the finger, although the code in the touchend is executed, the video is not played. What is the reason? Android normal ...
for example, in a layout with bottom navigation ( "home ", "account "), the desired route is { home : home page, account info : user information page, account pwd-reset : change password page } requires navigation to be frequently displaye...
because resources are requested across domains, the server is opened with tomcat, but why does the console report an error when setting the img tag? why does the img tag src of another project also not occur in base64 coding? What s going on? ) ...
the project relies heavily on vuex and watch, and componentization is very convenient, but the data and state sharing between components has always been very difficult to deal with, so after using vuex, it is heavily dependent, and watch is heavily used...
in a file of react project, both material and react-redux are used at the same time. When using default export, it is normally used like this: export defult withStyles(styles)(App) or export defult connect(mapStateToProps,null)(App) what shoul...