https: s home. is to slide down, he will find loading, and then print out 20 times if it is php+mysql+ajax, is there any example that can be referenced? I tried to parse, but I couldn t. ...
want to cross-domain request third-party API, front end uses ajax request, backend uses superAgent as relay, but ajax can not get a response, try to output response.status=0, but is response.readyStatus=4, because the back-end response is not written cor...
when the foreground calls the background interface, you need to take some parameters in the request header, and the processing done in the background is a simple page jump. For example, @ RequestMapping ( " a ") public String index () { return "...
I have learned a novice vue, and I have also gone through the official website. I am a bit vague about the front and back end interfaces. I don t know if it is correct to understand this: the back end (assuming php) provides json data through .php files...
problem description A problem encountered in projects today is that multiple projects (portal oa partform) are run in a tomcat, and then load data from the interfaces of these projects. First, call portal index to enter the page, and then call the int...
The scenario looks something like this: A list page that lists, for example, more than 10 items for the first time, loads more items by "Click to load more " (10 items at a time). Then clicking on the product will take you to the "Product details Pa...
this is the resource I found http: qF7Ff what I m doing now is to use js s filereader to generate every base64 address , each predicted to be an input name=icon [] , and then to download each video , so it will be < input name= "ico...
the version of jquery used is 3.3.1 $(function(){ com.getData(); }; var com = { getData: function(){ $.ajax({ url: ".. demo.json", json 404 type: "get", async:true, ...
problem description I want to add the values of these fields from page a, click the jump button to page b, and fill in the values into the input of the three same fields on page b and page a. The three fields on page a have fields in the database tab...
1-sharp-sharp-sharp problem description develop a module that uses the data table of layui. After binding the data table toolbar, you need to use the layui pop-up layer to modify all kinds of data of an entry. After the table band is submitted and modi...
problem description if we load a picture, we often write: class Car { constructor() { load shader load texture } draw() { use shader and texture to render } } is loaded in the constructor, while draw...
< html > < head > < meta charset= "utf-8 " > < script > function showHint (str) { var xmlhttp; if (str.length==0) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { IE7+, Firefox,...
problem description I want to write AJAX, on the page and pass the value in an input to the action, in controller and take out the call. Please give me some advice . the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried relat...
problem description try to do a hands-on project after learning the Flask framework. The function is to collect and use the hash decryption API exposed on the network to obtain plaintext when the server data is obtained through jQuery.get (), it is f...
<form id="form"> <button class="" type="submit" id="submit" data-type="normal-pay"> < button> <br><br> <button class=&q...
foreground code $.ajax({ type: POST , url: __URL__ add , data:{content:data} }); data is an array $data $_REQUEST ajax ...
function ajax(data){} let allAjax = [] for(let i = 0;i<data.length;iPP) allAjax.push(ajax(data[i])) axios.all(allAjax).then(axios.spread(function (acct, perms) {}) is that the number of my requests is the length of the array, but how man...
var formData = new FormData (); formData.append ( "image ", document.getElementById ( "FileUpload "). Files [0]); $.ajax ({) url: url, type: post , data: formData, cache: false, ** *falseContent-Type * contentType: false, ** * falsejQuery formda...
$.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "url.php", success: function(data){ } suppose I use this to play if I print out console.log (data), I can print my echo in url.php, but if I need to receive more than two respons...
Error: Network Error at createError (eval at <anonymous> (bundle.js:1759), <anonymous>:16:15) at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (eval at <anonymous> (bundle.js:1741), <anonymous>:87:14) print err in interceptor is the above, witho...