ask how the rich text in layui is asynchronously valued. layui.use( layedit , function(){ let introduce = layui.layedit ; let content = introduce ,{ hideTool:[ face ], introduce.getContent(content); intro...
Please ask the god to help ...
axios always sends two requests and the first time there is an options request, how to get rid of it? the request header contains token ...
I submit the form data through the $.ajax method of jquey. The backend can receive it normally, but not with is added through new FormData append. Why can t axiosy? the channel is submission formData requires special configurati...
will browsers cache if ajax sets cache to false, and will browser caches be solved by adding a timestamp if they don t know how to cache? What is the purpose of ajax setting the global property? ...
I used an ajax multi-upload upload has been able to upload more $fileCount = count($_FILES[ icon ][ name ]); for ($i = 0; $i < $fileCount; $iPP) { $file = $_FILES[ icon ][ tmp_name ][$i]; $dest = .. .. images admin produ...
post export function post (url, data) { let token = 111 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { axios(url, { method: post , headers: { Content-Type : application json , Authori...
I used php + ajax to write an ordinary commodity upload system simply upload pictures + some text to the database just how do I write an automated test I can execute a series of upload systems I wrote at the press of a button? ? is there a way to do...
I request a font under ajax, and then I want to preload the font in this way, and then dynamically insert style tags elsewhere on the page with font definitions referencing the same path @font-face { font-family: FZY3JW; src: url(.. cdn font F...
there is a problem with learning ajax. You need to set up before sending ajax in post mode. ajax.setRequestHeader("content-type","application x-www-form- urlencoded"); but I heard that the second parameter also has "multipart fo...
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $( button ).click(function(event) { var formData = new FormData($( -sharpformdata )[0]); [0] event.preventDefault(); $(function(){ ...
check one of the features I need now is that ajax and curl interact with each other at least five times for example, I ajax-> call.php will call me back and then send it back to me I m going to call another call2.php and give it to me again. I ...
I use the quill editor he is editing text in the DIV area <div id="editor" class="ql-editor">< div> <input type="hidden" name="content" id="content"> ajax $("-sharpform")....
problem website http: forum.php. needs to be registered, which is quite troublesome. Here is a temporary account account: Av123456! password for Alain Lei who likes to play with shit. problem description the address of the networ...
as shown in the picture, the undefinde error is reported, but I don t understand the error. Please take a look at it. ...
my axios function: import axios from axios import Qs from qs export default { post: function (url, data) {[ Content-Type ] = application x-www-form-urlencoded ; let config = { axios.get(url,c...
it is possible to use XMLHttpRequest to download pictures in static web pages. Pictures can be opened normally, but put the web pages on the server and download them in a cross-domain way. configured cross-domain, also used Access-Control-Expose-Heade...
app.js < span> No Access-Control-Allow-Origin headerAccess-Control-Allow-Headers`http: localhost:8089 api test`, null) .then(response => { console.log(; }); find a solution ...
JS requests to PHP through AJAX. Does PHP response echo represent the end of a request? Can there be multiple echo? can PHP respond to this AJAX request multiple times? for example, PHP: for($i = 0 ; $i < 200000 ; $i PP){ mission_1() } ech...
as shown in the figure, my Role controller inherits the Common controller I perform permission verification in the initialization constructor in the Common controller. When asked to access Role index directly in the browser, the verification is suc...
In the js template engine, where does the data come from and how the page does not have the variable isAdmin? you can refer to directly. < script id= "content " type= "text html " > {{if isAdmin}} <h1>{{title}}< h1> <ul> ...
how do I change the direction of a WEBPACK package? A project of mine introduces a package, and then the plug-in for this project (pointed to through GITLAB) also depends on that package then causes the package to be packaged twice I remember read...
home page ab b index but it has no effect. May I ask what went wrong ? ...
I found : in the var run php-fpm directory, but I couldn t find the php-fpm.sock file. Where do I usually store it? And what s the difference between them? ...
the size of the packaged vue file is too large Environment: vue-cli 2.93 webpack 3.6.0 question when npn run build is packaged, all css, is assembled in a app. [hash] .css file with a volume of 1.7m. If subsequent projects continue to ad...