the source of the problem: now both in the book and online are to divide a bunch of data sets with known prediction results into test sets and training sets, and then look at the accuracy between the prediction results and the real value, and report wha...
problem description 1 3 2 4 6 5 7 9 8 10 from top to bottom, you can only take one step on the left (L) or right (R) at a time, and then add up the numbers to find the path with the maximum value and the maximum value. how to write this algorith...
I have not quite understood the branch usage of git . master is definitely the remote end to push. Then, for example, I set up dev branch, and derive dev-A branch on dev . After completing development on dev-A , I merge to dev to delete dev-...
I directly enter the public network IP to access port 80, while the server port started by my node is 8083. I have to add this port to access the home page every time I visit. Is there any way to directly enter the domain name or public network IP to poi...
at first, I want to implement a route nesting. There is no problem with (App) on the main route, so it can be realized. then I want to do a route nesting on the child route, but < Route > does not show it. const App = () => ( <Switch>...
there was an error installing brew install mongodb on Mac. The directory usr local opt pkg-config could not be found ...
scrapy redis master slave masterslave 6. Masterredis-server: redis-server 7. Slave: scrapy runspider 8. Masterredis-clipushstart_urls redis-cli> lpush youyuan:start_urls http: find beijing mm18-25 advance-0-0-0-0-0-0...