how can you use php to cycle out 120 possibilities if you group the numbers of one, two, three, three, four, five, five, six? for example: 123 124 125 126 132 134 135 136 142 143 145 146 152153154156 2132142...
topic description encryption key 2fs5uhnjcnpxcpg9 plaintext 3280VAND 99br 20120201123050 ciphertext daa745f1901364c0bd42b9658db3db96336758cd34b2a57 sources of topics and their own ideas related codes Please paste the code text below (...
problem description 1 3 2 4 6 5 7 9 8 10 from top to bottom, you can only take one step on the left (L) or right (R) at a time, and then add up the numbers to find the path with the maximum value and the maximum value. how to write this algorith...
it is known that a polygon consists of n squares of the same size (this polygon is not necessarily a rectangle, but it must be a figure made up of squares). To cut this figure, you can only cut from the edge of each square. When you click submit, you can...
The scenario is the operation of a Huffman coding tree. The so-called Huffman coding is to re-encode the characters in the text with 0 and 1 in a certain way, in which more characters use fewer digits. For example, the letter e appears a lot in this tex...
https: skywa. how do I correct the color when the two red nodes are transferred to the right in the last picture? I look at other materials, the legend Reagan node and its right child node are black, so there is no problem, but in t...
has the following text ```` <i>< i><i>< i> that is, odd `is replaced by < I > , and even` is replaced by < I > . how should I replace it with js? ...
A lamb can live to be 5 years old. It gives birth to a lamb at the age of 2 and 4, and dies at the age of 5. Q: now there is a newborn lamb (how many sheep will there be after the age of 0), n? ...
topic description hard disk Cache is a mechanism used to alleviate the speed difference between memory and external memory. Cache hardware is usually located on the hard disk and is managed by a special processor . If the data to be read by the proces...
has the following requirements: set N minutes to monitor the rise or fall of a stock by X% within N minutes, then notify the user. how is it more efficient? the stupidest way to achieve the above demand is to calculate whether the increase is a hi...
topic description there are n elements in an integer queue. Is there an n-independent method to delete a specific element in this queue? If possible, please give your data structure and deletion algorithm, the algorithm is expressed by a function, th...
problem description $data=array ( 1 => 8 , 2 => 56 , 3 => 64 , 4 => 90 , 5 => 11 , 6 => 32 , 7 => 30 , 8 => 90 , ) how to get the key value of $data is 11, put all the previous key values...
how to prove that a binary tree with a depth of k (k > = 1) has at most nodes? ...
find the average of a set of numbers, assuming that most of the numbers are between 30 and 50, and how many numbers are invalid numbers such as 10p88 and 90, how about Filter? just give the algorithm idea or reference. < H2 > add: what I want is a way...
directory tree initialization initially returns only a two-tier structure. [ { name: , path: , id: 1, childs: 2, children: [ { name: 01 , path: 01 , id: 2, ...
as shown in figure this kind of tag filtering can be done directly by sql if it is taken directly from the database, but it is not ideal. If the listing of each tag has a list of Redis, for example: the list of area (Chaoyang District)-1 235,456, ...
after running the Floyd algorithm, is it possible to judge whether the original (directed) graph has a negative weight cycle or not by traversing the diagonal elements of the matrix? ...
the problems encountered in the project require an algorithm that satisfies the function, and the time complexity is as small as possible two arrays strArray1 and objArray2 : are known. const strArray1 = [ a , b , c , ... ...
I have six dates: 2018-07-21 , 2018-08-13 , 2018-08-30 , 2018-9-02 , 2018-09-28 , 2018-11-02 I need to extract the two dates with the smallest time interval, that is, the above dates, I need to extract: 2018-08-30 , 2018-9-02 could you tel...
$items = array( 1 => array( id => 1, pid => 0, name => ), 2 => array( id => 2, pid => 0, name => ), 3 => array( id => 3, pid => 1, name =&g...
Bean b1=new Bean ( "1111 ", "test1 ", "data 1 "); Bean b2=new Bean ( "test1 ", "test2 ", "data 2 "); Bean b3=new Bean ( "test2 ", "test3 ", "data 3 "); Bean b4=new Bean ( "test5 ", "test6 ", "data 4 "); Bean b5=new Bean ( "test6 ", "test7 "...
the specific code is as follows: node beginners, excuse me const mongoose = require( mongoose ); mongoose.connect( mongodb: ) mongoose.model( content ,{}).find({}) .then( feeds =>{ console.log(feeds); }) the printed result ...
define an indoor map can be a bitmap or 3D map and then go from point A to point B bypass obstacles and then how to achieve the route finding function refer to the figure ...
problem description this problem occurs in IE. All I have to do is click Save related codes function onOk(){ form.validate(); if (form.isValid() == false) return; var data = form.getData(); var authSetting = mini.enc...
I have a need, for example, the current time is 20:23 on 2018-5-22 the user starts to place an order, but the amount has not been paid. This order is still valid during these 24 hours, that is, to 2018-5-23 22:23 minutes end I want to update ever...