the front end enables history mode through mode. How does the back end need to be set? what is found on the official website and Baidu google is the configuration of apache and nginx, but not how to configure AWS ...
cdngzip how to configure the gzip file will be used when you access it. the server configurations I visit from Baidu are all your Nginx configuration methods. I don t know how to configure them on cdn in addition, can it be set in the front-end ...
is it because of this thing guys, I took a look at this line of code in jquery weui.js: var offset = container.scrollHeight() - ($(window).height() + scrollTop) the $(window). Height () in gets the window height incorrectly. just change it to ...
basic information: The datasheet has almost 10 million pieces of data, using the mycat sublibrary. the indexes in the data table are PRIMARY id AppName (AppName, custidStatus, channel) the table creation statement is as follows CREATE TABLE...
set the canvas size to 750rpx and 1340rpx; you want to set the background image with a picture drawImage. But the start position in canvas is 0, but I don t know what to do when setting the end position. Ask God for an answer. Thank you ...
use webpack-dists-loader to selectively package code, only JS will take effect, and HTML will also take effect as configured, but no error will be reported during packaging, but the corresponding effect will not be achieved. JS configuration { ...
Hello, everyone. The way I start tornado with socket is as follows: sockets = tornado.netutil.bind_sockets (options.options.port) tornado.process.fork_processes (0) server = HTTPServer (app, xheaders=True) server.add_sockets (sockets) try: ioloop....