currently use ionic s own zoom function, zooming is true can be scaled, but there is a bug without zooming, press and hold down the picture can not be scrolled, must be pressed outside the ion-scroll to scroll, that is, the conflict between zooming and ...
just follow the document as an example of the hero. Define the hero attribute in heroes.component.ts: heroes.component.html: app.component.html: h2 and files that have been modified by heroes will not be refreshed automatically, nor will they be refr...
at present, a project in the company uses a lot of js and css files in angularjs1.5, to load lazily in the $ocLazyLoad of resolve. however, I found a problem that the css and js, loaded with $ocLazyLoad didn t clean up after the page switch, and hung...
titles = titles+ `<tr> <td class="txt-td-a">${arr[i].keyCode}< td> <td class="txt-td-b chang${i}">${arr[i].keyValue}< td> <td class="txt-td-c "> <a n...
ionic3 pull-up load more stutters when running on ios some people know why they have reached the bottom on iOS, but do not get the data immediately. When a pull-up loaded picture appears, it must be moved again to appear, but debugging on the web page ...
: ERROR TypeError: Failed to execute readAsDataURL on FileReader : parameter 1 is not of type Blob . this is written in ionic xx.html <input type="file" (change)="selectImage(this.files)" accept="image jpeg,ima...
the front end is written in angular, and the session, that can be received from the background is saved in the cookie ($cookies.put ( "jsessonid ",;),) can be read normally, but the server cannot receive it. every time the inter...
does angularjs1 have cli scaffolding how can you build it without your own? companies use this framework how to use it with typescript ...
the information I have found that the truth machine will not have cross-domain problems, but it has appeared on my side. What is the reason? ...
angular2 cooperates with select selector in ng-zorro. After select selects one, how to change the route so that select does not display? ...
: ...
A large project is developed using angular based on native js, and then re-developed with vue, how to develop incrementally, and how to couple different modules? ...
due to the use of ngTable, and the requirement that the title of the table can be opened (so resize), is used, every time the small corner of resize is pulled, the sorting of ngTable will be triggered incorrectly. I want to remove the "ng-click= sortB...
how to jump to different links through the mobile phone system ...
I made a page in directive and declared a $, in controller. When I clicked on the next page, I did this $, in directive, but it didn t change in controller. but when printing in directive, the value of page changes. the followin...
1. The value is passed in the two controller (controller), and with the help of the third common controller (the parent controller), the result is that the event broadcast downwards in the parent controller is not available from the controller. 2. The ...
< H2 > requirements description < H2 > var str1,str2,str3,str4 in textarea, it cannot exceed four lines maximum of 140 characters For every 35 characters entered by , a corresponding value is assigned to str1,str2,str3,str4,. If the intercept is...
recently in learning angular, it should be said that angular2, because he learned vue, before coming into contact with angular, always compares the relationship between the two in the learning process, contrasts with each other to learn and use, using tw...
<input type="search" placeholder="" ng-model="searchName1" ng-keyup="myKeyup($event)"> $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl( bindyezhu.html , { scope: $scope }).then(function (modal) { $
as shown in the figure, my use scenario is to close a Modal pop-up window on the current page of the APP embedded H5 page when the Android physical key is clicked. Debug the undefined, and then I use the vConsole call to have the same effect. So I th...
problem description prompt for GLIBC_2.14 when installing third-party software the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried system version is centOs6.4 and 6.9 search followed by online tutorial installation, resulting in t...
after reading some articles with separate front and rear ends, I still need to ask for advice on some questions: 1. How do you get the backend localhost to debug when the front end of the project is separated from the local API at the front end of the...
how can the data looped out by vue change color to the current one when clicked? this is what my page says <ol v-if="tooglezhi" class="ol_one"> <li v-for="(item,key) in arr" ...
No registration function. Create a batch of accounts at the backend and provide test accounts to app store,. Can you pass the verification ? < H2 > my app is set to be free < H2 > ...
getSmscode() { var reg = ^1[3|4|5|7|8][0-9] d{8}$ if ( == "") { this.$message({ message: "", type: "warning" }); } els...