is it possible to add react-dnd to ant-design s table? or are there other simple ways to do a project? please let me know. Thank you very much. ...
excuse me, jump from page A to page B, pass the value with state, and state will be empty after page B is refreshed. How to solve it? A page pass value code render: (text, record, index) => { const path = { pathname: goods-deta...
ant-design comes with a tab control, how to switch pages through button, rather than by clicking on the word tab above. ...
table in antd how to add a hover effect to a column, and how to bind an onhouseover event? ...
the requirement given by UCD is that the paging of this table is centered at the bottom of the table, and the text that jumps quickly is jump to . After seeing that api can only set pages at the top or bottom of the table or above and below, ther...
Button was originally set to disabled. What should I do if I want Button to be set to valid ...
how to implement multiple tabs using antd pro, as shown below: requirement: to switch back and forth between tabs, you need to save the state of the page, similar to the effect of other js ui frameworks, such as easyui s multi-tab pages. friends...
how to add a select control to the cells of an editable table with ant-design, and update the state value of the table ...
for example, if the current node is selected, the edit and delete buttons are displayed: ...
for example, the following column of field names is editable. I directly copy the contents of the fields that need to be pasted in batches. Click any field and press ctrl+v to paste down from the current value....
as shown in the picture, click on the cell to display the select control and select the field type. Click outside the cell, and the cell returns to its original appearance ...
< H2 > doubts about @ connect of DVA used in ant-design-pro < H2 > import { routerRedux } from dva router ; import { linkApi } from .. services api ; import { setAuthority } from .. utils authority ; import { reloadAuthorized } from .. utils...
problem description use the ant-design-pro template. https: ant-design. if you want to request menu data from the background, the data can be obtained correctly, and the state changes are also correct, but when the page is rendered, the ...
as the title, as shown in the figure: ...
1. When you refer to the antd-pro noticeIcon component, you find that the List component is used in antd-pro and does not provide the necessary properties. <List className={styles.list} > {, i) => { const ...
I want to use the ant design pro front-end framework in mvc, but I don t know how to integrate it. build the directory structure of the project using .net react-based templates as follows ant design pro : I overwrite the directory of ant...
RT version: 2.13.11 I have a login dialog box, tab switch password login while verification code login finally export a form field: Form.create () (AppComp) so both sides must not pass, so I want to update the configuration of getFieldDecorator ...
Click Edit in the form (in the form is a table), each column of this line becomes an input, editor, you always enter it backwards (for example: 1234, but the input is 4321). How to solve this problem? cacheOriginData = {}; toggleEditable=(e, key) =...
for projects made with ant design pro framework, the loading speed of each page is very slow after packaging. Whether ignoreMomentLocale: true, disableDynamicImport: false, is configured to load on demand or slow in .webpackrc when the browser loads, a...
there are many APIs in model that can only be called after login. It is normal for code to return 2000.When returns 20020, the session expires. At this time, I want to jump back to the login page. This is how I handled it . *fetchShopSaleList({ pay...
configuration file [mailreceivers] who= [ XXX@XXX ] msg_to=config.get ( mailreceivers , who ) is used in the program. The message failed to be sent after running. The exception error is message delivery failure (503, bounded error: need RCPT...
for example, when java is in the same request, you can get the information directly in the context of spring without sending the request of the current request. Can be done in gin? The main problem now is that all the places where you want to get the se...
use the watershed algorithm to segment the image and get the coordinates of each graph ...
denyhosts mistakenly sealed colleague IP, how do I unseal it? I can t add IP to the whitelist and delete this IP from hosts.deny. ...
topic description PHP version: PHP 7.2.9 successively uses the traditional PHP style and the post-PHP7.X strongly typed function style to execute a piece of test code with the same logic the code that is expected to be a strongly typed version has h...