componentDidMount() { getTaskState this.props.dispatch(getTaskState("status")) this.props.dispatch(getTaskState( type )) } const homeReducer = (state=initialState, action) => { if(action.type === GET_TASK...
as mentioned above, I saved a variable An in store, and now I use this variable in the component (implemented). Finally, I want to update this variable An in this component. Please write a simple code ~ ....
Click on the tag in AppSider, and the AppContent component gets the current tag and then requests a list. Now I don t know how to associate the component with store action export const setTag = tag => ({ type: SET_TAG , tag }) reducer c...
problem description question 1 Login.tsx class Login extends React.Component { public state = { userName: , password: } public handleChange = (event: any): void => { const target: any =; const type = ...
the problem is like this. For example, I now have a data request and pass the requested data to redux. I do this (pseudocode): function getData() { return fetch(...) } function fn() { getData().then(res=>{ this.props.dispatch({ ...
the selectDerivedProps function in the react-redux source code connectAdvanced.js will determine whether store and selectorFactoryOptions have changed. In addition to the first execution here, when else will you change these two values? ...
antd design pro dispatch infinite loop related codes There is a button in table code as follows <span className={Style.opt} style={{ color: record.display === 1 ? notClickColor : canClickColor, cursor: record.display === 1 ? notClic...
for example, write code like this in a class component, state= {currentPic:this.props.pic}; pic is data passed in through connect (mapStateToProps), why is the value of each property of props in the constructor undefined? The function below the construct...
the figure is as follows: how do components get values in store dynamically, just like this.$store.state in vue? index.js import React from react ; import ReactDOM from react-dom ; import App from . App ; import { BrowserRouter } from r...
problem description I have taken a look at redux-saga in the last two days. I have a question that is not very clear. Let me ask you something: authorizetoken: The Api.authorize function I use axios to return data, but since it is neither a gener...
scenario: now there is a pop-up box, and there is a button on the current page. Click the button to display the pop-up box. there is an input form in the pop-up box. Click the submit button to request the interface after input. If the interface requ...
Mini Program uses wepy+redux. The following error is found in the developer s tools. How to modify it ...
connected-react-router + redux-thunk asynchronous jump route, which will constantly modify the address and cause stack overflow in case of redirection: < Redirect exact from= " " to= " home " > + setTimeout (() = > dispatch (push ( )), 1e3...
I only want to use redux-devtools-extension and redux-logger in the development environment, so I created two store , and then made a judgment, but after packaging, I found that this judgment did not work, redux-devtools-extension can always be l...
I only want to use redux-devtools-extension and redux-logger in the development environment, so I created two store , and then made a judgment, but after packaging, I found that this judgment did not work, redux-devtools-extension can always be l...
problem description TODO List case, delete action data of list and do not re-render UI the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried redux-devtools-extension plug-in, check the data changes after action is triggered,...
problem description TODO List case, delete action data of list and do not re-render UI the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried redux-devtools-extension plug-in, check the data changes after action is triggered,...
has found a lot of information, and it seems that the division of store is recommended for flattening. Up to two layers, such as { home:homeStore, about:aboutStore } so what about the above structure for complex pages? Like ho...
suppose my state tree is as follows: view. blogList blogId comments [array] userInfo . after being modeled by normalizr library view. result: [.blogId] entities userInfo comments . structure of reducer dispatch(upd...
problem description suppose there are two operations, one is to refresh the list and the other is to delete data. I hope that after successfully deleting the data, I will be able to trigger the refresh of the list. the environmental background of th...
I used this update statement in three scenarios the first two scenarios that I commented out are updated without a problem when the third scenario is updated, update-time has been updated, but status has not been updated I don t quite understand wh...
which is better, vue component switching or route hopping? Is the performance and speed the same? what are the differences? if you have two tab, usage components, you can use < component VmurbindVista is = "currentTabComponent " > < component > rou...
I upgraded webpack2 to version 4. I installed babel-loader, but after configuring exclude: node_modules , the package compression always reported an error. If it is not configured, there will be no problem. Excuse me, have you ever met? ...
routes={[ { path: search products , breadcrumbName: }, { path: goods-details , breadcrumbName: }, ]} params={{ ...
how git submits local code to a remote branch A new project has been created locally then our boss set up a warehouse for git. My permission is develop, and then there are two branches in the warehouse, one master (I certainly don t have permi...