when the automake project runs . configure , Makefile, and other related files are generated based on the target machine (the current machine). However, these files not only occupy the volume, but also contain a lot of related information about the ma...
when the official account of Wechat is developed and calls the newly added permanent picture and text material API to upload picture and text messages, the added audio and video tags seem to have been used by Filter on Wechat s side. Can t audio and vi...
I use vue to make a page on the mobile side, and the following problems arise: when v-for, as long as the internal complexity of the element is relatively complex (if there is only a single layer of div for each item, there will be no problem). There w...
in a vue project, I need to implement a waterfall flow with two vertical columns. What I take is to put the left and right boxes in the layout, and put the data obtained from the interface one by one according to the height of the two boxes. Whoever has...
I am writing a vue program imitating markdown <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content=" initial-scale=1.0"> <meta ...
1. I have the following code in a js file: var test = { test1(e){ console.log(e) } } 2. Introduce this js, into html and call it as follows: <script src="js base.js" type="text javascript" charset="utf...