scenario: users leave comments on certain works, etc. A single table in the database stores these messages, which contains information such as the user s profile picture and nickname. Scheme: user id, is used in the comment table to associate...
A need to find a user created within 05-01 05-24 and last logged in a time field greater than 05-11 a comparison type how to map to url I currently write http: localhost user?create_. creation time field is range creation time is > < how to elegantly ...
the login mechanism I designed is cookie ( "uid ", the user s uid); ), and then check whether cookie ( "uid ") exists . I would like to ask why some customers open the website automatically login status, automatically log in to one person s account ...
as shown in the following figure: ...
my project create-react-app serves as the foreground, ssm serves as the background, and the foreground json is passed to the background through cross-domain means. the setting of the proxy agent in package.json "proxy": { " api php"...
take a look at the following example: this.$refs.tableCsv.exportCsv ({) quoted:true, separator: ,= , filename: , }) quoted means to add double quotation marks separator added = according to other netizens introduction = "00001 " csv file w...
after brew install php71, why usr local etc php 7.1 php.ini configuration is disabled on many configurations, but it is actually enabled. refer to https: q 10.. The output of my php-- ini is as follows: Configuration File (php.ini)...