bazel compiles the golang project. Where is the file generated by the compilation? for example, the following demo, main.go is the source code. After running bazel, five folders are generated (in the red box), but main.exe is not found. quest...
install Bazel: https: vers. when running bazel run : gazelle according to the official Bazel documentation. Always report an error: dell@DESKTOP-MRJOU2E MINGW64 d workspace www go_work src golang_learning $ bazel run :gazelle L...
Bazel builds the golang project, how to set this item? The official document has the following paragraph: https: bazelbuild. Add the code below to the BUILD or BUILD.bazel file in the root directory of your repository. Replace the strin...
build a demo to test the Bazel build golang project, located at D: workspace www go_work src golang_learning , with the following file: golang_learning |__ go.mod |__ main.go |__ WORKSPACE |__ BUILD.bazel the contents of each file ...
use webpack dll to package dependent packages and put react into the module packaged by dll. when the packaging is complete, the app.bundle.js still contains the source code of react. Could you tell me what to do with the change? webpack.dll.js modu...
1. Do you want the mouse to slide to the jade and not disappear? I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I have no idea about how to write it. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"&...
study online tutorials learn to package projects using webpack, a simple code implementation. the entry file index.html of the interface is as follows: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8&qu...
is using nuxt.js for a completed spa project a complete refactoring of the project? ...
this.add = function(value) { if(!this.has(value)){ items[value]=value; return true; } return false; } for this line of code: items [value] = value , the book says: when you add a value, save it as both a key and a value, which helps to f...