in the typecho official document, the following code gets all the categories $this->widget( Widget_Metas_Category_List )->parse( <li><a href="{permalink}">{name}< a>< li> want not to output all categories, ...
A typecho standalone page template, <?php ** * * * @package custom * if (!defined( __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ )) exit; ?> <?php $this->need( header.php ); ?> <h2 class="page-title"><?php $this->title() ?><...
you can easily add methods and attributes with Category through Objective-C Runtime,. his implementation principle is the object structure, objc_class contains the methodLists, is a secondary pointer, a pointer to the pointer. struct objc_method_l...
by default, the fixed link for hexo is the category of this: https: categories seg. tag: https: tags codeshelper. how to customize the category directory or label directory, as follows: Classification: https: c codeshel...
I use nginx and then I want nginx to satisfy XXXXXXXXXXXXX.. File suffix? md5=XXXXX (for example: test.jpg?md5=cno234f or test.mp4?md5=i9345nmjf ) access to a directory with alias , how can this rule be implemented? Thank you very much ...
given a non-negative integer, num, repeatedly adds the numbers in each bit until the result is a single digit. For the sum problem of leetcode, my idea is to divide the numbers and add them, recursively, and return the numbers less than 10 . related ...
{ path: song , component: Song, children: [ { path: :id , component: Songditail }, { path: getNewsList , component: newslist } ] } this.$router.push({ path: song getNews }) newslist ...
how do I reassign vue.$user.element? there is something wrong with my writing. There has been no output of value . ...
when learning springboot, add: to pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot< groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator< artifactId> < dependency> After restart the projec...