document.getElementById(el).innerHTML=":" document.getElementById(el).className="a" although the first sentence can take effect, it is certainly not a normal method. ask how to get the chrome extension popup page dom ...
as mentioned, what I want to match is the address of the plug-in chrome-extension: laookkfknpbbblfpciffpaejjkokdgca dashboard.html . also added to the header of the tempermonkey script how can I make the oil monkey script run in the plug-in? ...
I want to double-click the tag to close the current page, but I don t know how to listen for the double-click event of the tag. ...
I m developing a chrome plug-in right now, but I don t know how to debug it! Not the kind of debugging that examines elements, but as usual in the development of web applications, you can see the effect of the page without packaging. the result o...
if you want to open an old website in a newer browser, the main reason why you can t open it is that there is such a code . document.createElement( <div class="class">< div> ); what s more, there is such a . document.createEle...
is working on a chrome extension tool to grab web images and save them locally. Use the this API, parameter to set as follows:{ url: url, url filename: dir, + saveAs: false,...
as the title, I simply used the Chrome plug-in development and found that I only found a way to pop up a floating page on the original web page. The disadvantage is that the rest of the page will disappear with one click. now I have a need to pop up a...
my project is built with official vue-cli, but there is a problem when I debug in the console, the console often flashes the tag, and it flashes back and forth, and every time it flashes, it empties the data. I don t know what it is all the time, but ...
want to do a translation extension of Chrome, using the youdao service, the page was crawled before, but it is not stable, so I want to use the paid service of youdao, but if I simply call youdao API at the front end instead of doing the server, what if...
as shown in the figure, the web page has btn, and clicking btn will open the corresponding extension a. How to implement Web page: a Thank you! problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried r...
js operates the database ...
recently wrote a bookmark management plug-in for chrome, but all the bookmarks obtained are without icons, so they don t look good. So I would like to ask what method can be used to get the icon of the bookmark? ...
because the popup window disappears when it loses focus, and the contents are gone, so if you want to make the popup window not automatically close after losing focus, you must close it manually. Can this be done? ...
CSP error in popup: how to solve it? ...
it is too troublesome to use the default data format of form. My data nesting is very serious, with four layers of list nesting. If spelling the name of input through the index is too painful, so I want the form form to submit the json data, and then ...
has made a template, which is currently placed on github . Now all you need to initialize the project is vue init github username repository name xxx . what should I do if I want to move the warehouse to another site such as ? ...
{ "op": "query", "ns": "fund_statistic.fund_minute_statistic_collection1588", "command": { "find": "fund_minute_statistic_collection1588", "filter": { &quo... I click this to return on my phone, but I can t return the list page of vue solution. ...
want to climb some Anjuke s housing information. There will be sliding verification in the middle, and the coordinates can be calculated. But the path doesn t seem to match all the time, and every time it succeeds, it pops up with a click to verify (de...