Environment centos7 php version php5.6 php7.0 php7.1 php7.2 problem execution of php-- ini in php7.1 and php7.2 returns the ini path of the location of their directories as shown in figure below, but php-- ini in php7.0 and 5.6returns the ini ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> new document < title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text html; charset=utf-8" > <script type="text javascript"> wi...
items separated from front and rear: ; ; get; ; ; ...
I installed images of nginx and php via docker docker run --name dphp -v $PWD php: app php:7.0-fpm docker run --name dngx -p 80:80 --link dphp:phpdomain -v $PWD php-web-server.conf: etc nginx nginx.conf --volumes-from dphp nginx < hr > af...
MiniCssExtractPlugin abstracts why css generates a js file with the same name, and introduces this js to bring in the extracted css link, whether there is a problem with the configuration or just like this. new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ title: "Gol...
$( body ).on( click , .ser ,function(){ window.location.href = self.introduce window.open(self.introduce, _blank ) }) Why does an open web page have the current url in front of it? I want to open www.baidu.co...