1. Main memory includes ROM, RAM, cache 2.Cache is a small capacity memory between CPU and main memory question: 1. In the second point, does main memory mean that RAM, which is commonly known as "br > 2.cache ", only logically belongs to memory, b...
traditional hard drives rely on the mechanical rotation of magnetic heads to read and write data. it is said that solid-state drives have the same principle of reading and writing as memory, so solid-state drives have no heads? then why can t the spee...
when working on a project, there is a form that needs to be displayed in the center of the page, but I set margin:0 auto does not work, width does not work, text-align:center does not work, vertical-align: middle does not work, is there any other way (I ...
the problem is that there is an input box on the page to enter the purchase quantity, but after the purchase is successful, you want to clear this input box: question: after emptying the box, it will automatically prompt to verify the error message, ...
after installing nvm, I found two lines of code in .bashrc: export NVM_DIR=" root .nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR nvm.sh" -sharp This loads nvm ask for advice, the second line of code . What does th...
directory tree initialization initially returns only a two-tier structure. [ { name: , path: , id: 1, childs: 2, children: [ { name: 01 , path: 01 , id: 2, ...