one database of user balance, one database of order table, one database of fund details users use balance to place orders, how to ensure that no more orders will be placed and the data are consistent in the case of large concurrency ...
my nginx-V information is as follows: nginx -V nginx version: nginx 1.14.2 built by gcc 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36) (GCC) configure arguments: --prefix= usr local nginx --add-module= usr local src lua-nginx-module-0.10.13 --add-module= usr local...
The parameter form passed in 1.require.config (), does this mean to define a waitSeconds global variable? 2.require.onError is this the onError property of the custom require? Is it similar to = function () {}? ...
Why does the multi of Redis not package the command to the redis server as pipeline does, but instead send a package with one command? ...
there are requirements in the project: A user may have multiple positions, and there is a filtering mechanism in the user list page, which should be filtered according to the positions selected by the user; users: user table posts: position table ...
In springcloud micro-service, the gateway needs to carry two parameters, one is accessToken and the other is version version number, but the backend service does not need these two parameters. for example, the back-end service is originally like this ...