problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) < H1 > place an order < H1 > def post_order_place (requ...
I have defined a class with a get method that will be executed when the user sends a request using the get method (mainly to extract the data from the data and then make some modifications before sending it to the front end). But I gave it a try. When a...
problem summary: novice programmers intend to write a simple project to display data in Ubuntu16.04,Python3.5,Django2.0, only one App, test is correct, and intend to deploy in NGINX+uWSGI. But there was a problem during the test. paste the code first ...
for example, I defined a method in the view file. from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from . import models def index(request): datas = models.Test.objects.get(id=1) print(datas) -sharp ...
problem description Sorry, I am a beginner. I encountered a problem when I tried to use django to make a website. I searched the Internet for a long time. I don t have an answer. I d like to ask for advice. What you want to achieve is that in the fr...
at present, three display modes have been designed, style-grid, style-grid-2 and style-list-1, have been implemented statically, that is, the < section class= "video-listing style-list-1 " > has been changed, but how to switch dynamically through js ha...
the system is Ubuntu 16.04 . After configuring the security group, visit Nginx and visit IP to see the welcome page of Nginx . But after configuring Nginx , delete the default file under sites-enabled , and simply refuse access. Visit IP pro...
when we use python django runfcgi, there are sometimes errors: Unknown command: runfcgi this is due to the django version. The runfcgi command is not supported above 1.9. If you want to use runfcgi, to change the django version to 1.8, y...
call the login method that comes with django when logging in: from django.contrib.auth import login, authenticate user = authenticate (username=username, password=password) login (request, user) threw the error of WSGIRequest object has no attri...
the latest installation of system centos7, django < 2 versions it takes more than 20 seconds to accept the request when using python runserver python runserver 8000. Before that, there is no bind system port, and so is netstat check. it is str...
the code is as follows the database is created as follows class HyperParameters(models.Model): graph = models.ForeignKey(Graph) train_times = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=10) save = models.BooleanField(default=True) learnin...
there are two buttons, one is button and the other is form. When I click button, the data is sent to the background, but {{line}} is not rendered, but when I click form s View details button, {{line}} can render it? Why? the background code is a...
brief description of the problem django is the backend. The process of getting openid < openid > and session_key from the code sent by wx.login () to the Wechat server is too long ( 15s or so), but it is faster to access it directly through ...
first of all, I want to dynamically refresh the part of the page by clicking a button to send the data to the background, and then the back end returns the data to the page to complete the rendering. data passed by the front end test2: function (curre...
api, developed using Django+DRF has two interfaces that crawl data returns using requests. The API returns data normally when testing with the development server that comes with Django, and all other APIs are normal after the server is deployed with Ngin...
Files uploaded through django are always in the wrong format. The picture cannot be opened class FileUploadView (APIView): parser_classes = (FileUploadParser,) def post(self, request, filename, format=None): print filename file_obj = request....
set up the database in models in django, and there are only some fields after data migration. from django.db import models class Users(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10,unique=True, verbose_name= ), password ...
1 how does django elegantly generate models classes dynamically from the data sent from the front end? Or no matter how the framework dynamically generates classes based on the desired properties? And then add it to the models file? 2 how does django g...
problem description recently in learning Django to build a personal blog, using Ueditor (also tried Kindeditor) as the rich text editor of the background admin interface, editing some text found that part of the format can not be displayed correctly b...
I use django2.0 the default route access address is http: host blog 1 . I wish it could be http: host blog 1.html is there any way to achieve this? I ve been searching the Internet for a long time, and I don t know how to solve it ...