A simple web page is developed with django. There will be 502errors in frequent visits, refresh will be good again, local refresh will not appear for N times, ask how to view django error access log and locate error files ...
configure a website with nginx + django. There are a lot of requests for the website. There will be 502 bad every time you refresh the page dozens of times. If you want to use a temporary solution, when the nginx only returns 502, automatically refresh ...
setting configuration file is as follows: LOGGING = { version : 1, disable_existing_loggers : False, formatters : { standard : { format : %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s }, }, filters : { }, handlers : {...
how can django tell where the search engine comes from and where the user comes from? and determine the user s access device ...
can I pass only a single attribute? ...
I point the template of the django setting file directly to the index file of vue-cli. Then after running django, I found that index was blank. but after npm run build, point the template of setting to the packaged index and display it. is there any ...
for generally larger Django projects, which of the above project structure is better, or is there another better way to organize the project? ...
if you want to visit a web page and jump to a different url, according to the protocol you visit, can you use django if you don t use js? how can you do that? ...
an interface: http: api v1 course corresponds to the following processing view class CourseView(APIView): -sharp renderer_classes = [JSONRenderer,] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ret = {"code": 1} ...
I used django rest-framework-JWT directly to log in. I want to customize the error message returned and be able to directly indicate whether the user name or password is wrong. where can I change it? ...
File " home django-file virtualenv test bin django-admin ", line 5, in < module > management.execute_from_command_line() File " home django-file virtualenv test lib python2.6 site-packages django core management __init__.py ", line 399, in execute...
how to get the user and touserid of ChatMsg.objects.filter (user=8,touserid=9) in Django rest framework from the front end of html class ChatMsg (models.Model): """ """ user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name="...
recently learned vue scaffolding, want to integrate into django (open service), if not npm run dev can be used? ...
problem description as shown in the title, there is some confusion when looking at the source code of the django framework. I don t quite understand. It s hard to take a look at it. the environmental background of the problems and what methods y...
where should I put the general template files in the django project? create a templates directory under the root directory of the project to store general templates such as base.html, and then add this directory to the TEMPLATE DIRS of settings.py? or ...
problem description makemigrations, custom user table not found Environment python3.6 django2.0 related codes gold_app.models from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import ( BaseUserManager, AbstractBaseUser,Permiss...
uses pongo2 template engine and django template syntax is similar the start_time in the database is the UTC time, for example: 2017-12-05T02:41:19Z The service converts all the key-value pair data into json, and then passes them to the template e...
I used django to build a website, in which there are multiple rich text field, in a model. I use django-haystack to do a site-wide search, but only the entire model instance is returned. How do I know which field has been found in this model instance? ...
for example: multiple routing functions declare the global variable login, in global, and sometimes the following error occurs! There is to import variables from an app inside the function, the value has not changed! NameError: name login is not d...
the following is the ansible api section: import json import shutil from collections import namedtuple from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader from ansible.vars.manager import VariableManager from ansible.inventory.manager import InventoryMan...
angular6 and ng-zorro-antd UI components used by my front-end project as shown above, what s the difference between whether there is an attribute nz-form in the form? You can submit the form normally by testing whether you have this or not. if n...
there is an increment table of products purchased by users whose order_list, field is id (primary key self-increment does not care) and product_id (product ID, attribute values are A, B, C, D), user_id (user ID). the following table: A B C D AB AC A...
problem description drag an element with draggable=true set to another element that listens to mouseup, and the mouseup event cannot be triggered. this problem is encountered when working on a project. The requirement is that there is a map, there i...
the Radio component rendered by rander rendering RadioGroup in the table component of iview cannot be selected render: (h, params) => { return h( RadioGroup , { props: { value: this.resData.method1, type: &quo...
closeProject:function (index) { $( .project-card ).eq(index).css({ height : 100px , }) console.log($( .project-card ).eq(index).css( height )) }, project:function (index) { $( .pro...