problem description Debug related codes class OrgView(View): def get(self, request): -sharp all_orgs = CourseOrg.objects.all() org_nums = all_orgs.count() -sharp all_cit...
1. I have been self-taught django, and then started sending resumes when I worked out a practical project. After two weeks, I finally got an interview. The result is very clear and can be described as instant collapse. I had a little confidence in my sel...
suppose I have the following code: from django.contrib.auth.models import User us = User.objects.all() -sharp idis_active v1 = us.values("id", "is_active") -sharp ( User ): other= hehe -sharp [{"id": 1, "is_a...
background description: deploy using gunicorn + django + nginx, info.log and error.log,warn.log are automatically created in the specified directory Log information can be displayed normally on the screen No previous log file write information ...
the django ORM model is as follows class DeviceType(models.Model): name = models.CharField(_(u ), max_length=64) class Device(models.Model) d_type = models.ForeignKey(DeviceType, db_column=u device_type_id ) -sharp mo ren -sh...
Nginx and uwsgi are installed, tested, no problem, and then when using uwsgi to start the django project, using the browser to view the project will have the problem that static files cannot be loaded. No matter how to configure it, I can t do it well....
problem description how to implement the format group by XJ y in django the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) want...
I use uwsgi deployment django, to call the system-installed pdf2htmlEX in the django program using subprocess. when using the runserver that comes with django, the service runs normally. but after deployment using uwsgi, the returncode of su...
The data table has 30 fields, and the json passed from the front end corresponds to 10 fields. How to easily modify the values of these fields. Front-end json: { name: a , active: play } I don t want to assign values explicitly, suc...
such as the title, a little knowledge of the django framework, but also made a few blogs and other small sites. Excuse me, is there any advanced project source code recommendation? thank you. ...
I have two attributes, file,url. I want to refer to the file path uploaded by file when the url submission is empty. What should I do? Thank you. class xxx(models.Model): file = models.FileField(upload_to=files_path, blank=True, null=True, verbose_...
the original book uses the old version, but now the purchasing agent for routing from django to version 2.0 is different the original is like this from django.conf.urls import include, url from django.contrib import admin urlpatterns = [] ...
deploy Django, using Nginx and Gunicorn executing python collectstatic, The following error occurs:: Traceback (most recent call last): File " ", line 22, in execute_from_command_line (sys.argv) File " home toptran sites nbtop...
due to the business need to assemble the django environment in the win server2008+IIS7 environment, the Python related libraries are installed normally and the, django runserver is running normally. after installing wfastcgi, add the web.config, code t...
you can see from the picture that the request header and response header are normal! doesn t see anything wrong, but there is no value in the browser s cookie ! is there something wrong with it? Note: ordinary html+js can be set, but applicatio...
Project environment operating system: Ubuntu 16.04 Server: Nginx 1.10.3, uWSGI 2.0.17 Database: Mysql 5.7 (using Ali Cloud s RDS) Python:3.5.2 Django:2.0.3 Xadmin:2.0.1 problem description I created N app, in the Django project, two ...
Save Times error after adding data NOT NULL constraint failed:booktest_bookinfo.bpub_data Source code class BookInfo(models.Model): btitld=models.CharField(max_length=20) bpub_data=models.DateTimeField() class HeroInfo(models.Model): hna...
1.django+uwsgi+nginx management platform, which used to work in a single thread. Later, a function was added to query and modify the password of the host in the ip list in batch. When updating, the site will not respond until the execution is finished b...
ValueError: "< OrderShipping: OS-180623085540 > " needs to have a value for field "id " before this many-to-many relationship can be used. class OrderGoodsInfo(models.Model): ... .... class OrderShipping(models.Model): order = models.ManyToMa...
I use ConcurrentLogHandler for logging in the django logging system, but it generates a lock file (.lock). I don t know how to view the contents of the log. ...
1.Vue builds a multi-page project, and each page is a module. Now there is a problem: no matter what other page content is written, when the browser enters the url of the page, it will flash the content of its own page, and then display the content of i...
how do I use trigger to simulate pressing a mousedown event with a mouse? ...
for example, use the mouse to select a paragraph of text (press the left mouse button, move the mouse, release the left mouse button). What events have happened in this process? WM_MOUSEACTIVATE WM_MOUSELDOWN WM_MOUSEMOVE WM_SETCURSOR WM_MOUSELUP ...
the package reports an error directly, and the package file cannot be generated > hzm_wap@1.0.0 build C: Users shend Desktop hzm_wap> node build build.js - building for production...Error processing file: static css app.f58dfc4095d0bb5a8de1d2...
how does mpvue introduce Mogujie s UI framework-MinUI? according to their official website, the installation was not successful. It may be that there is something wrong with my understanding, but for people like me who have poor understanding, what t...