you can get data normally by using postman request. request using web page with error message: { "detail ": "CSRF Failed: CSRF cookie not set. "} how to solve this? ...
now after I use django restfulframework to write the back-end code and deploy it to the server through nginx+uwsgi, enter ip to display the API page. Now, after the front-end code is taken, how to deploy it and enter ip to display the home page instead o...
I, Xiaobai, want to do a P2P file transfer website in the local area network during the winter vacation. The assumption is: after entering this web page, you can choose to send or wait for receiving. After choosing to send, you can send files to other us...
for example, as shown in the code, there are three tables, the city, the area, the house, the city to which the house belongs and the area to which the house belongs. I hope that when entering data in the background, I select the option that the city ca...
my django project Subject accounts courses tests subject from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test import TestCase from .models import MultiSub...
] [2] it is said that the mysql version is too high. I don t know how to reduce it. Ask for the answer of the Great God ...
failed to test ViewSet reverse getting route name in Django Rest Framework -sharp course chapter without lesson course_chapter_router = DefaultRouter() course_chapter_router.register(r , courses.views.CourseChapterViewSet, ...
how to use js post to django data in django to receive JS similar to this str = {"student":[{"number":"0","name":"a"}]} ; obj = JSON.parse(str); look at the data in chrome like this [student][0][...
made a website, the search engine just had a little traffic, and found that the website was mirrored, but fortunately, it was not robbed of traffic. I came to ask django how to prevent the website from being mirrored. ...
the foreground is index.html of vue ...
render (request, index.html , { index :index}) would you like to ask whether the dictionary type parameter of the index returned later can return more than one parameter at the same time? for example,: render (request, index.html , { index :...
python 3.6 Django 2.0.4 url matching error when developing a website, want to help me point out the mistake: NoReverseMatch at CetTopic Reverse for personal_info with arguments ( ,) not found. 1 pattern (s) tried: [ CetPersInfo (? P < ...
at present, I have obtained the product details through the crawler. I want to submit and save the product information to my item table through post, and put it into the shopping cart while saving the data. The product information in the shopping ca...
http services of go, such as those from the gin framework, have interfaces that clearly distinguish between different method and execute different handler. Does django not distinguish between different method?? ...
I have developed a django+Vue application locally, and now I m going to configure it to the nginx server on Tencent Cloud s server. Now I m going to clone the project to the server with git, and then the npm build Vue part will configure django to ngi...
first log in to the ip:port login interface through form submission and execute the do_login function in If the login is unsuccessful, I want to jump to the original ip:port login, and carry the error message. if I return via rerener (reque...
requirements: use Nodejs to send buffer (read data returned from files) type data to the backend through http.request using post type, and the backend is the Django framework. question: requestpostchunkNoderequest.write(buffer),post Nodej...
1 error such as screenshot 2 system: win10 + PyCharm 2017.2.3 x64 + python3.6.2 + Django2.04 ...
I want to transfer the array of objects to the background using post. This is how I pass it: Http({ method: POST , url: addGroup , data:qs.stringify({ list :this.excelData }) }) ...
want to use django to develop a resume recruitment system, ask which corporate member and individual member. Is it better to use one User model or to design two? I have now created a new users app, class User (AbstractUser): xxx then the next s...
data can be found using get find but post always returns an empty array login , function (req, res) { let params = { userName: req.body.userName, userPwd: req.body.userPwd } User.find(params, function(err, doc) { ...
The subject owner hopes to train a model. By tagging this article with some key phrases extracted from an English article, is there any good machine learning method or paper that explains how to label the key phrase to the subject word ?....
for example, there is now a task to call the dll, generated by fortran. Due to the long calculation process, in order not to give the user the illusion that the program is dead, it is necessary to give the user real-time feedback on the progress of the c...
I throw an exception when I print a string on the console using logback and jansi. The operating system is window10. maven dependency <dependencies> <!-- --> <dependency> <groupId>ch.qos.logback< groupId&...
1. Description: the company does a background project, which needs to render the list. I use the Table component of ant, but it is required to generate columns, dynamically according to the data. is there any way to dynamically generate the correspondin...