problem description 1. According to the original logic, when you touch the screen with your finger (always in the state of down), then enter a mouse event (such as a mouse click or hover),), at which point the previous finger touch event will be dropp...
such a list, because there are too many fields to display, I encapsulate the left and right drag and scroll method, because the default event is blocked when mousedown. Default events such as the focus,blur of the form in the list do not work. It s ...
configure concurrency spring.kafka.listener.concurrency=50 when a springboot program uses @ KafkaListener (topics = "orders "). if the program deploys two instances , are there 100 consumer threads that be...
the company uses a mall framework to access the environment on IWebShop online. The route is: http: coupons binding id 4 is in the above format, but locally built can only be accessed through the following routes http: ?controll...
! 0 what is the advantage of writing this way? Will there be any performance difference? and ! 0! 1!-1 like this, are there many fewer letters than writing true and false directly? This saves traffic (lll " ")? ...
I have written an interface that simply inserts data into the database. When passing the stress test of apache s ab.exe tool, if the concurrency is more than 200, there will be write failures. I can t find the error message in the Nginx error log. Ho...