now many docker ui can remotely call docker s rest API to operate the container, and use exec to execute commands inside the running container. Suppose I call the exec API in the following way: POST hostid:port containers {id} exec Parameter: Atta...
1. In the linux environment, call execl: if((pid=fork())<0){ printf("fork error n"); }else if(pid==0){ *child* if(execl(" sbin ifconfig","ifconfig","eth0","hw",&qu...
test.php file <?php exec( deepin-movie ); for example, open the local deepin-movie video software with php. In php s cli mode, executing php test.php works normally, but when I trigger the call with a button on the page, I report an error. Th...
keep reporting errors, using version 3.10.0 Description: An attempt was made to call the method org.redisson.api.RTopic.addListener(Lorg redisson api listener MessageListener;)I but it does not exist. Its class, org.redisson.api.RTopic, is available ...
add the form is a modal pop-up box, upload, click to view the picture, but the modal of the picture has been displayed under the original modal (it seems useless to try z-index) ...
Mobile H5 promotion page is generally 3 screens. Use to do up and down to switch to the second screen. There are some hyperlinks in the second screen, pointing to another swiper, . The second swiper is a detailed introduction of the second screen . ...
when the data obtained by the parent component asynchronously is passed to the child component through props, I print the passed value and print the following object. Although the transferred data is already displayed on the web page, there is really no...
< action> < package>...