call the google fcm HTTP v1 API to send a group push to Android devices and receive 411. Http header does not have a content-length error, but I specified content-length in curl. $topic = topic ; $projectId = projectid ; $title = ha...
as mentioned in the question, is there any method or tool to test google s fcm app push in the test environment that can detect the push of a large number of devices ...
install jenkin using docker the operation command is as follows docker pull docker run: mount the tomcat jdk maven installed on the host to the container docker exec enter the container and you can see the mounted directory questions are as foll...
GIT cannot submit error Push rejected: Push master to origin master was rejected by remote ...
has the following code. In my expectation, using two browser windows (A _ Magi B window) to access http: at the same time, the total time to wait for the two pages to load should be close to 10 seconds, but it actually takes 20 seconds,...
A br B is the original bottom tab page An is the home page B is the personal page C is the landing page from A to B, B determines the login status in onShow, without permission wx.navgitorTo jumps to C, how can you jump to the home page if you don t ...
* $remUnit!global * * :$remUnit* * 10210241920$remUnit192 * * : @media * * :$remUnit1024102192 * $remUnit: null !default; @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) { $remUnit: 102 !global; } @media screen and (min-width: 1920px) { $remUnit: 192 ...