this problem is somewhat difficult to describe in the title sentence specifically: the row queried by can only be obtained using the Scan method. and the Scan method must fill in the parameters one by one according to the queried column in order to g...
ioutil.ReadFile (absPath) if the file is an encrypted zip file, I cannot read the complete data because I want to upload the data to oss if the zip file is not encrypted, you can read the file directly with ioutil.readfile, but for encrypted files, yo...
I came across this question in an interview with a php development engineer, which was the last one in the written exam there is a service platform. Users need to charge a service fee for providing services, but there is a ladder relationship between...
problem description the system wants to limit the number of posts posted by newly registered users or prevent malicious comments the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried generally speaking, browsing comments are...
when I developed the chaincode of fabric, I used cgo. The structure of the code is as follows . my_cc vendor somecgopkg build interface.o test test.o lib mypkg.go mypkg_test.go src ...
recently, I looked at my eyes, but I couldn t get an expert account, so I wanted to write a script to hang it. Hospital registration can only be booked on the official Wechat page, so how to write the registration script for this official page? is there...
how does golang get the underlying type name? give an example: func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { io.WriteString(w, "hello") } h := http.HandlerFunc(Hello) http.HandleFunc(" hello", h) here through reflect...
golang time.Time type and sqlite3 text type or integer type can t be automatically converted when the Scan () method is called? if not, what is the best practice for storing time type fields, and are there inevitably intermediate fields or ma...
func main(){ n := "0fa8" 4008 } the question is this: there is a hexadecimal string type of "0fa8 ", converted to decimal to 4008, how to convert a hexadecimal string into plastic shaping? tried fmt.Sprintf and strconv but fa...
After the channel is written, the channel must be closed, otherwise there will be a deadlock in range traversal. Is this correct? so what if I have a scenario in which one goroutine writes data to the channel and one or more goroutine reads data from ...
member_id openID mp_id openID openID ** mp_id openID ** sql SELECT * FROM `score_log` WHERE `mp_id` = gh_1d3037ae656c AND `openid` = o5NHFsy-PUHxY7G_h_S8UscpKVg8 ...
when I first came into contact with GO, I encountered some problems. if it is mysql, our fields are fixed, but in mongodb, each record can have different fields. For example, the first record field is {A B C D} . The second record is {A B C D E} E a...