Entering French Muy Bueno, in the instance shows the probability of French,Spanish,English guessing. { "kind ": "prediction-sharpoutput ", "id ": "languageidentifier ", "selfLink ": "https: www.googleapis.com prediction v1.6 projects 123456789...
a () { return new Promise((res, rej) => { : getData().then(res => { this.data = res.data.reslut console.log(this.data) }) }); } the a method is defined in vue , and the a method is ca...
novice, recently started to learn vue, a simple todoList instance <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style type="text css"> ...
Click events with markpoint, added to each city level of the national map to switch between the country and the province. But switch to a single time saver. All markpoint will be displayed. How can you hide the markpoint? of other provinces? ...
page code is - <path id="circlePath" fill="none" stroke="-sharpfff" stroke-width="18px" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dashoffset="-17.75" d="M 138 12 A 125 125 0 0 1 138 262 A...
I installed babel-cli, in the file using the following command and installed it successfully npm i babel-cli --save then I use babel-node in the console to prompt me: zsh: command not found: babel-node Baidu also searched, Google also searched. But...