problem description failure at startup after greenplum installation is completed prompt: DTM initialization: failure during startup recovery, retry failed, check segment status (cdbtm.c:1529) the platform version of the problem and what methods you...
recently, the problems encountered in learning greenplum, before testing are as follows: 1.character varying(80):value too long for type character varying(80); 2.gpfdist;; I don t know how to solve the first problem first ...
when you look at the error prompt, it feels like there is not enough space, but it is not. 5 machines each have 20T disks, each with 8T left. But every time the index is created for about a day or so, an error will be reported. error log is as follows...
GreenPlum environment: 1 master host (memory: 16G), 2 segment host (2 segments, memory: 16G), version: 5.3.0 postgresql environment: 1 (hardware configuration with GreenPlum), version: 8.3.23 Table: alert_log_sm_http is the same size as gp in pg, wit...
bootStrap-table loads the data returned from the server, will it be garbled in Chinese? this is the code for initializing the table **** javaBean public class VideoChildTableModel { }htmlutf-8 ajax I really don t know where the problem ...
there is a function that often needs to query data according to the factory id. Which of the following designs is more reasonable? or is the efficiency the same? scenario 1: { { "_id" : 1, "product" : "...
in components, but not in page const behavior = require ( .. behavior.js ) Page ({) behavior[behavior] }) ...
api.js export async function getAdminUser(params) { return request(` api admin user ` + params); } .webpackrc.js proxy: { api admin : { target: http: , changeOrigin: true, }, }, The pr...
how can I use to set a peekHEIGHT, similar to BottomSheetBehavior to achieve a collapsed state? two main problems: 1. Achieve a folded state, rather than simply disappear after sliding. 2. Whe...