Why is the status code returned by both the first request and the forced cache 200? Are they the same? first request juejin.im the first three are from disk cache the following request does not have a from disk cache, which is from the server. ...
the server is nginx, and the following code is configured: location ~* .(css|js|apk)$ { root usr local resources; expires 12h; } using chrome access, you can see that both js and css are from memory cache and ...
Cache-Control:no-cache is cached but immediately invalidated, and then go to cdn to compare etag. If the etag does not expire, it will return 304to use the local cache, and if it expires, it will return 202to use the newly launched content. current sc...
the same files are placed in different project directories on the same server. One project directory access has https cache, and one is not cached . the front-end code is exactly the same, but the background data interface is different these two pro...
as above, for example, if I upload files locally to the server, do last-modifield and etag mean that if my local files are modified, will there be a new last-modifield and etag, or will a new one be generated only if there are changes in the server file...
function http_get (ip, port) { let WAN = false; http.ClientRequest var data = { msg: can you hear me? , time: new Date().getTime() }; var content = qs.stringify(data); var options = { host : ip,...
data: [{ moduleCode: Setting , moduleName: , listMenu: [ { code: User , menuText: , url: string , icon: string , orderNo: ...
the first picture is an online example of a map drilled down with echart3. The click event is assigned to the object through the init. the second picture is made by me with the vue-echarts-v3 plug-in. At present, I have done the longitude and latit...
problem description with the Anaconda3 platform installed, generate a new environment in the following two ways. Is the difference between the basic environment with Anaconda? related codes conda create --name=AAA python=3 anaconda anaconda? conda ...
problem description Type the java project into tar.gz format, and then extract it on Linux. File directory: . -conf -bin -startup.sh -lib -logs -README.md I execute . bin startup.sh start the java program. bu...