the project uses a third-party H5 instant messaging service, and the current effect is as follows: : the messages on the left and right sides are inconsistent. Since I have not been in contact with instant messaging before, I do not know what is t...
IM chat how to store offline messages if the other person is not online ...
@ PermitAll @ PreAuthorize ( "isAnonymous () ") @ PreAuthorize ( "permitAll ") all kinds of writing methods have been tried, but they are all invalid. It is impossible to request these authentication-free interfaces directly. < hr > all the writin...
A merchant Mini Program needs to call a map interface. I want to ask PHP how to write this map interface and what high map API needs to be called. ...
users are restricted to post Wechat moments, others can not see it, TA can see it, how is it achieved? ...
tcpjsonAndroidtcp clienthttpwebsocket I would like to ask how the http or websocket protocols solve the MTU problem ...
recently installed mysql on linux and searched the Internet for some installation blogs, which are difficult to understand. blog address is as follows: https: qq_1623... Question1: what do the following two commands mean respectively?...