how to optimize the performance of react on ie. My project is very smooth on Google, but it is very stuck on ie. There are obvious stutters in switching between tab pages and route. ...
this is my code: var uploader = WebUploader.create({ swf swf: zg-fx layui ux js webuploader Uploader.swf , server: uploadPath+" uploadFile", inputflash. pick: -sha...
import promise from es6-promise promise.polyfill(); has been handled in this way the following figure appears in the development environment. Is the request parameter empty? Request header is normal but the production environment is normal aft...
the company s intranet development, the code is not good screenshot the current situation is to install and introduce babel-polyfill, to use normally but when the dom node is loaded for the first time, there is only one . <div -sharpapp>&...
so far I have found three solutions, none of which will work. do you have any other simple solutions? can be introduced to let IE9 support WebSocket or simply configure it, while does not need to change any server-side scheme < table > < thea...
my project will display normally on Google after it is packaged, but report "Cannot call a class as a function " on ie9. which god can help ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>< title> <sty...
I recently encountered a problem when uploading files using angular-file-upload, that is, when uploading files on ie9, a download box is displayed below the browser, prompting me to download a .json file (the file content is the data of the server s re...
problem description defining the let variable at the top of the script block of the component will report an error, but there is no problem to change it to var, there is no problem with the definition of let in the method, and the same error is report...
assemble how to merge two 8-bit data into one 16-bit a7b7a6b6a5b5. A0b0)? ...
php WeChat Mini Programs pay Why iPhone can t pay Android can pay, but iPhone can t pay, or can t pay for more than 6s? Why? ...
let obj = { time: 2017-7-20 , name: set , _r: 123 }; let daili = new Proxy (obj, { has(target,key){ if (key=== name ){ return target[key]; ...
how to integrate an A4 PDF file into a horizontal A3 PDF file? for example: the first page and the second page of A4 are merged into the horizontal first page of A3 as shown in figure: ...