java wrote a rule himself. You can t verify a character such as three arbitrary characters, (xx) at the beginning of getcol. String str = "798>getcolsum(fmoney)>getcolavg(fmoney)"; String pattern = "getcol[ w]{3} ([ ...
function fn1(){ var a = 6; function fn2(){ alert(a) ; } return fn2; } var f = fn1(); f() alert 6 fn1() as in the above code, the variable f can be assigned to alert 6, but there is no response when calling fn1 directly. What is the...
problem description there is a jam when logging in to the CentOS system using VM. What should I do to solve this problem? There is no problem with the CentOS system, and there is no problem with the VM setting. Before, you can successfully start the s...
I think there are two parameter types for jni data to send to JAVA, through parameters, instead of returning a value. I want to know what to do? JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_tzym_jni_Analyze_funGetPulse (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring charPa...
use preload to inject js into webview pages, and how to pass values to preload-injected js, webview pages in that page uses vue ...
https: q 10. continue the above question has been able to complete the cut and get the cut base64 but now there is a problem I want to get the original size (uncut) slice at the same time, how can this be achieved? Send me several...