static page builder can build page templates into static pages. I found that blogs built by jekyll can be built on the github cloud, and there is no need to build locally when writing new blogs. And there won t be a pile of useless diff information f...
as shown in the figure, I want to use this jekyll theme, on GitHub pages to make the Reading List on the left appear the directory bar that makes markdown files like the Amazing Blog on the right, and I need to use a new folder to place other post markd...
The js in a js file under a project branch (gh-pages) on github is not executed and can be run locally. my github pages has a second-level domain name, so this project is accessed with second-level domain name demo-name . Code: $(document).ready(f...
API of Vuex mutations: Type: {[type: string]: Function} actions: Type: {[type: string]: Function} getters: Type: {[key: string]: Function} Why does getters use key and the other two use type? ...
ask the great god for advice on why this is the case. Weui framework is used, but it should not be affected. ...
$coinbasePublicAPI = https: ;$coinData = file_get_contents ($coinbasePublicAPI); var_dump ($coinData); Why is the result NULL empty ) original: https: que. is it that the person who asked the questio...
I recently studied Python and encountered some questions about meta-ancestors and lists, as follows: Python version is 3.6 the code is as follows: [1, 2] + [[3]] -sharp -> [1, 2, [3]] (1, 2) + ((3),) -sharp (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, (3))? -sharp...