vue uses a jest unit test, and the width clientWidth of a dom element is used in the component, but this element is not available through window.querySelect when running the unit test, not even in nextTick. < H2 > xxx.vue Code < H2 > ... methods {...
in our rn project, the picture is saved like this: logo@1x.png, logo@2x.png, logo@3x.png is quoted like this: require ( . logo.png ); however, because the string @ 1x is omitted, jest will report an error because it can not find the file path, ...
because there is logic in the code to determine whether it is a mobile phone PC, so you need to change the ua in the test code to test. How can it be implemented? ...
want to use cli to do unit testing under the project There are no configuration files under the project, only files like entry and xxx.test.js . I want to execute cli test in the root directory of the project and run the test unit with the configur...
jest test report clicks into the code details page, and some annotated screenshots are as follows What is the meaning of 5x on the left side of ? E hint else path not token what do you mean? solve. ...
method to be tested question does the result prove that Test 2 during monitoring the k method, if other tests also call k , they will also be logged, so they are called twice, causing the test to fail? but if I swap Test 1 and Test 2 ...
<el-input class="todo-input" type="textarea" :rows="2" autofocus resize="none" placeholder="Ctrl + Enter " v-model="todoToAdd" @keyup.ctrl.enter.native="submitTod...
while learning to test api with jest, I encountered this function: const checkHasLogin = async (ctx, next) => { if (ctx.session.userName) { ctx.body = { success: true, msg: ctx.session.userName } } else { ctx.body = { ...
What is the practical use of Jest s snapshot testing? ...
now there is a requirement that if the return value of the interface is very complex, including an array of objects, and there are a lot of properties in the object, how can you use jest to ensure that the returned properties are the same as expected? l...
scenarios are as follows: I wrote the code related to the end touch event, which determines whether to use the touch event or the mouse event according to ua and ( touchstart in window)). but when testing jest, the default ua is PC. How to chan...
navigator , window , etc. in the code, will report an error. ...
1: first of all, I found a lot of web addresses by myself, but they didn t work, and even the official website didn t seem to work. 2: my question is how to simulate async 3: the project is built using vue-cli3 with its own test module req.js en...
recently did unit testing of Vue components for the new version of the framework. Jest, was selected but there was a problem testing a component. was supposed to test the Login component, but this Login component introduces the SvgIcon subcomponent, w...
Hello, bosses. I encountered a problem when I was doing the jest test select the drop-down content of antd s select is displayed in dom and requires a mouse click. I used enzyme s mount method, and then simulated clicks through simulate ( change )...
there are mostly examples of testing static react or puppet components on the Internet, and there seems to be no example of testing components after getting data asynchronously. Do I understand the wrong test idea? Or is it the wrong way? ...
Timeout-Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified recently working on UI tests, using jest and puppeteer. Mainly to test the login page. I have been messing around with the online tutorials for a long time, and there is a mi...
problem description use the Jest framework to test a jsonp code, but the JsDom used by Jest seems to be unable to load the contents of the script tag, resulting in the global function of jsonp cannot be called. Therefore, the jsonp can not be ...
problem description want to unit test the current project, expect to test for a single problem, test content behavior test, method test, simple UI test the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried because I am not f...
I am currently using Jest to write unit tests for React components. The rendering component uses react-dom test-utils, but there is a doubt. The unmount cycle of the component has not been triggered. How to trigger this hook? ...
Dependencies have been added according to the instructions on REST Protocol on the official website. public class CustomAuthentionHandler extends AbstractPreAndPostProcessingAuthenticationHandler { @Autowired private UserServiceImpl userServi...
problem description backgroundSize cannot be used in the jsx of react. How to achieve the same effect: fixed width and height, 100% width of the picture, height beyond hiding, so that the picture will not deform related codes <div style={{...
the following code outputs pingpong. I don t quite understand why this System.out.print outputs before t.start. My idea is that pongping and pingpong should be output randomly, not in order. public class Test2 { public static void main(String ar...
something like this ...
this component is the main functional page in the project. Because it is a .vue file, the template,css,js is all written together, which results in more than 2000 lines of code for this component . but the code in this component is basically unreusable...